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Location:Slidell. The jewel of Louisiana
Interests:hunting, fishing, LSU sports
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Registered on:9/26/2006
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Jack evening. [img]https://i.imgur.com/Hz5Tl1t.jpeg[/img] ...
How dare Russia try this in June. Do they not know know what month it is. Que the bat signal Joe [img]https://people.com/thmb/PZhWZsmyI-purFmioxp1lc_uU9s=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(734x259:736x261)/rachel-levine-1-67bdf9a74c3849c0b3e081f1d6770495.jpg[/im...
All for what? Europe will be run by sharia law soon. ...
[link=(https://www.facebook.com/EgenbergLaw/videos/847342996241670/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v)]Don’t hate [/link]...
my high school self back in early 90s along with the ATF standing next to me would both say that was not a pipe bomb. Then in our Crocodile Dundee voice would say "this is a pipe bomb" ...
[quote]Any updates on how the investigation is going? Any suspects or leads?[/quote] :rotflmao: nope. Just toss out a made up story to push the agenda and move along to the next....

re: Colorado Trip Ideas

Posted by Crawdaddy on 6/4/24 at 9:02 am
Stop in Guffey. Awesome small garage museum setup. Nicest guys that si tout side too. They gave me the key to the old city hall (if you want to call it that) and said just lock up when you are done. They also said the old museum/giftshop/antique building is open. Just hollar if you find someth...

re: Colorado Trip Ideas

Posted by Crawdaddy on 6/4/24 at 8:56 am
[quote]hike to the top of Mt. Elbert.[/quote] Well worth it. Wish I had time for Mt Massive. Next time I guess. Get there before daylight. Hit the top by noon because the weather may roll in by then. We got a small thunderstorm on us as we were heading down. We were still above the tree li...

re: Colorado Trip Ideas

Posted by Crawdaddy on 6/4/24 at 8:48 am
Some pics from last summer Colorado trip. This was July. Just a small sample of our trip. We split the trip between three of us. 9 days was $600 each. Hard to beat. Biggest cost was gas and two hotel rooms during the travel. If you like the outdoors, definitely spend some time in Colorado....
Look at the hate crimes here. Liberals heads will explode trying to figure this one out. [link=(https://x.com/olilondontv/status/1797601420704911472?s=46&t=U8nTvi6GC8DJySB00JB6Xw)]LINK[/link] ...

re: Tipping percentage increase

Posted by Crawdaddy on 6/3/24 at 12:00 pm
$50 to take my order and re fill my tea? WOW Just take my order bring it to me and Ill waive ya down if I need a refill. ...
Im hiking the Standing Indian Trail in NC next month. Two nights on the trail. Bears are in the area. The main campground recently had a bear go through someone's vehicle. Park bears. Hanging food is a must ...

re: Colorado Trip Ideas

Posted by Crawdaddy on 6/2/24 at 2:15 pm
[quote]my homeland,[/quote] Yep. Stopped in again last year but didn’t see ya at the visitor center across the street [img]https://i.imgur.com/itN8GwM.jpeg[/img]...
[link=(https://youtu.be/ipsPgNEmAXI?si=h19W0pkbLiHombmZ)]Let ‘em rumble [/link]...

re: Whiskey/Bourbon/Scotch Volume III

Posted by Crawdaddy on 6/2/24 at 12:33 pm
[quote]Larceny is known for being a hot on the neck pour. Let it sit a month and revisit.[/quote] Gave it a few weeks and big difference already. Much better. The upfront ethanol taste/feel/burn that masked the bourbon profiles is now gone. The bourbon now has a nice bourbon sweetness that st...
Better get it whale you can. Looks like the color is off on the batch hitting shelves now Got three bottles of red [img]https://i.imgur.com/fedTw1s.jpeg[/img]...
So petty theft is the only issue here right? ...