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Registered on:12/28/2015
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His next scheduled start will be against the Dodgers. Should be really cool to see him against the elite of MLB. Shoei Mookie Freeman ...
Seems like the donation threads is having a bunch of people not knowing where to go. Here’s the link [link=(https://secure.winred.com/trump-national-committee-jfc/lp-website-guilty)]Trump donation link [/link]...
Everyone chill. The last outs always the hardest. Wofford will start puckering now. ...
[quote]'Game-changing' cancer vaccines are here with thousands of Brits set to be offered them in the next year in what could be a watershed moment for treating the disease. [/quote] [quote]Scientists take a sample from a cancer patient's tumour and analyse it's genetic code. They then ...
[link=(https://secure.winred.com/trump-national-committee-jfc/lp-djt-google-ads-v1/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0Mju1re2hgMVTUX_AR0IgAbZEAAYASAAEgLWIvD_BwE&utm_campaign=20240401_tnc_search-generic_google_search_lp&utm_content=donate&utm_medium=ads&utm_source=google_lp_kw&utm_term=generic)]Trump s...
Easy process. [link=(https://secure.winred.com/trump-national-committee-jfc/lp-djt-google-ads-v1/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0Mju1re2hgMVTUX_AR0IgAbZEAAYASAAEgLWIvD_BwE&utm_campaign=20240401_tnc_search-generic_google_search_lp&utm_content=donate&utm_medium=ads&utm_source=google_lp_kw&utm_t...
[img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/63/Feels_good_man.jpg/200px-Feels_good_man.jpg[/img] [link=(https://secure.winred.com/trump-national-committee-jfc/lp-djt-google-ads-v1/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0Mju1re2hgMVTUX_AR0IgAbZEAAYASAAEgLWIvD_BwE&utm_campaign=20240401_tnc_...
Going to PUSH THE frick out of that BUTTON FOR MAGA in November!! frick sticks ...
I’ve been following the trial pretty closely. The ultimate felony that they are trying to convict Trump on is that he interfered in violation of New York state election law i.e. he defrauded the voters of New York State by doing one of those four things with relation to the stormy Daniels payment. ...