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Location:Shreveport, LA
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Registered on:10/20/2006
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Ill informed good intentions will make for catastrophic mistakes... ...
[quote]not the University's endorsed view. That matters.[/quote] agreed... I threw these together VERY Quickly ... no deceit intended.. ...
[quote]I did... not seeing that statement anywhere... [/quote] Interesting.. so when I google that query.. here are a couple of the top returns... [link=(https://sepwww.stanford.edu/sep/jon/climate.html)]Stanford Edu[/link] [link=(https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-minimum-CO2-level-part...
[quote]Humans, plants and animals can’t live without sufficient CO2 in the atmosphere. The current levels of CO2 are approaching the minimum required to support live as we know it on earth. The CO2 Coalition has wonderful facts that you are never told.[/quote] Gee.. I can't imagine why th...
[quote]...if you can show me where charity is mentioned. [/quote] Its fair to say the most positive take on Hama's Charity is that it makes for good photo ops... Which is to say its for propaganda purposes... ...
[quote]They will just push the 'print' button. [/quote] Maybe he already stole the paper in the printer... or unplugged the printer.. ...
[quote]Just because someone went to a college doesn’t mean they are able to think.[/quote] In my experience, modern education (including college) is about creating a product that will fit into the corporate world and assimilate. Not creating critical thinkers... ...
[quote] it'll be easier to compile a list of who hasn't paid Biden off and/or laundered money for/through his family.[/quote] I was about to post that I would be on the list of those that have not paid the BIden's but then it occurred to me my taxes help to pay him... that makes me sad... ...
[quote]...honor an agreement[/quote] Can't get blood out of a turnip.. ...
[quote]...we then broke. [/quote] This is truly an idiotic perspective. If the US or NATO "broke" any agreement, regardless of it being inked or verbally agreed to.., It would be Putin's singular talking point to justify his invasion. Clearly his messaging has not been that. That alone woul...
[quote]Uh. Is someone gonna tell him?[/quote] Yeah.. I caught this but thought.. no.. I'm going to just going to see how long this floats... :lol: ...

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by klrstix on 5/2/24 at 2:26 pm
And it looks like Tom Selleck in the background dancing with Nancy... :lol:...
[quote]They are masters at church politics... [/quote] I am often reminded of the old saying: Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you at their game. I think there is some application here... ...
[quote]That’s an old person saying[/quote] As a senior citizen I can confirm this to be true.. GOT (movie/books or otherwise) did not invent this phrase... ...
[quote] There’s no need for any of this carbon capture nonsense.[/quote] Based on some info I have found, we are sitting at around 480 ppm carbon in our atmosphere... We know that there has been periods where the carbon has been as high as 8000 ppm. During those times life of all forms thrive...
[quote]But there's the Abortion debate..[/quote] FYI.. this is a red herring issue because anyone in any state can order abortion pills online and be done with it without any further medical procedure.. The law of unintended consequences and such... ...
[quote]I'm just wondering how many people in the population actually use what they are being taught in school.[/quote] Sooo.... for a moment, I am going to be that guy... Anyone that uses a cell phone.. (which is most adults in western civilization..) is "using" just about every level of mat...
[quote]I will never understand the Wokes and the AWFLs all rallying around the Muslims. It makes no sense at all.[/quote] When you think of what they do, their perspective on life in general and how everything about that is self-destructive.. it all makes perfect sense.. :cheers: :lol:...
[quote]We aren't exactly getting tons of Erwin Rommels, flooding in.... [/quote] This is true on the Latin American side of this equation.. but on the Asian/Chinese side of this.. Overwhelming majority of which is fit, military age and unaccounted for once inside our borders... That is a...