Favorite team:USA 
Location:Somewhere in Louisiana
Biography:G-14 CLASSIFIED
Interests:Too disturbing to mention, and probably illegal
Occupation:Working for The Man
Number of Posts:20435
Registered on:7/25/2016
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]Close the schools...and state offices[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/lxe5eqXm9ZcAAAAM/shut-it-down-wrap-it-up.gif[/img]...
I buy all of my watches from this guy who sells them from the back of his van at the Wal Mart parking lot. I prefer to support local business....
That's not a hunting camp. A hunting camp is made from a single-wide bought off of the internet sight unseen....
Biden could stand there, not say a word, and shite himself for an hour an a half and the media will say he "won" the debate. It would be fun if Trump get Biden wound up to into crazy get-off-my-lawn crazy old man mode and make him start yelling nonsense....
[quote]Went outside for a bit this AM and allergies kicked into high gear.[/quote] Okay. Makes sense. [quote]Kept looking around the house for dust or something that was setting them off.[/quote] If you allergies kicked off while you were outside, why do you think dust inside would be the c...
I believe in profit, not non-profit....
It looks like a Ben Franklin half dollar. [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSV00AncObr-uvpFytpikyTlSdBU6LbQ512P8nzrgoTCw&s[/img]...

re: Is $1 million a good salary?

Posted by TheFonz on 5/15/24 at 1:34 pm
I'll ask my butler's butler how he is doing on $1 million a year....
His role as Jack Swigert in Apollo 13. He knew that oxygen tank was going to blow on that cryo-stir....
I’ve heard that “Stolz der Nation” is so hot it’ll burn the place down....
Trump should say he wants to wait until Biden is the official Democrat nominee. Otherwise he would be wasting his time if he debates Biden and someone else gets the nod. ...

re: More solar flares on deck?

Posted by TheFonz on 5/15/24 at 12:00 pm
Who knows? The Sun gonna do what the Sun wanna do. The media will fear monger the shite out of it, and blame solar flares on climate change and Trump....
[quote]For the second year in a row, U.S. News ranks Louisiana as the nation’s worst state[/quote] "We won a game yesterday. We win today, that's two in a row. If we win tomorrow that's called a winning streak." - Lou Brown...
- Potty breaks every half an hour - Pudding cups will be provided for Mr. Biden I hope the Trump campaign lays out counter-proposals, or just tells them to pound sand....
[quote]Also he gets a leather jacket out of the deal[/quote] I wear mine even when I'm jumping sharks. [img]https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_fill,w_720,ar_16:9,f_auto,q_auto,g_auto/shape/cover/sport/643903-abc-television-374535f4ef0bb2a2f33093c6d62da1f6.jpg[/img] [quote]whe...
I’ve never broken any bones but I’ve had five concussions. ...
Please take my picture down. On second thought, leave it....
[quote]What do you expect in a country full of Nazis?[/quote] “And this how we say goodbye in Germany, Dr. Jones.” [img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/1-28-2020/bmy6eC.gif[/img]...