Favorite team:Georgia 
Number of Posts:1449
Registered on:8/29/2016
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Trump is now the American Everyman.

Posted by CalDawg on 5/30/24 at 5:33 pm
Only a guy who got fked by the system gonna change the system. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.gMr2svxEjAx6XqaLlDtueAHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=14096d65db25497b53740b4d2b8ccbda1b0e1aec91cde75053242125c88d0014&ipo=images[/img]...
So we can hear his comments as Joe speaks or when they cut his mic....
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSpBlk7J4rk[/embed] [embed]https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1787694611504263514?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1787694611504263514%7Ctwgr%5Edc820d9899e0ea59933a0c993fb71fb6c3673a57%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fredstate.com%...
Vote accordingly. It’s that simple. ...
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Illegals: “Where’s my money?” Sanctuary cities: [img]https://media.tenor.com/kRO1ZmrNlW8AAAAC/willy-wonka-and-the-chocolate-factory-willy-wonka.gif[/img]...
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Illegals: “Where’s my money?” Sanctuary cities: [img]https://media.tenor.com/kRO1ZmrNlW8AAAAC/willy-wonka-and-the-chocolate-factory-willy-wonka.gif[/img]...

American Tet

Posted by CalDawg on 3/23/24 at 9:07 am
Thousands of unvetted military age men from enemy countries have entered the US for 3 years. Coupled with cities defunding the police & the inability of our military to meet quotas. Simultaneous attacks in all major US cities would create fear, distrust, economic collapse, infrastructure failure...

re: Dems dump migrants like trash

Posted by CalDawg on 3/19/24 at 9:30 am
Will Trump, if elected, continue bailing these sanctuary cities out with taxpayers’ money? These migrants feel entitled. In NYC, they refused free food, demanding it be “better,” and that free food went to the dumpster instead of to truly needy, hungry American citizens. It was tons of food. ...

Dems dump migrants like trash

Posted by CalDawg on 3/19/24 at 7:21 am
in November after the election bc the migrant crisis is bankrupting sanctuary cities. Migrant evictions already starting in NYC. Homelessness gonna be crazy in 2025. ...
Pre-paid debit cards, free hotel rooms, health care benefits, public education… But the current financial strain on blue cities due to increased crime, failed or fleeing businesses, departing taxpayers — how will progressive democrats treat migrants after November? Should we expect a surge in ...
All the court decisions of this judge should be reviewed for bias & prejudice....

re: National Divorce - Long Overdue

Posted by CalDawg on 1/29/24 at 7:30 am
No. Not destroying the country bc of globalists, greedy politicians, ignorant citizens. Step 1: Take back education. ...
[link=(https://www.si.com/college/georgia/news/alabama-running-back-jase-mcclellan-officially-out-for-sec-championship-vs-georgia)]SI article: McClellan out Saturday[/link] The closer the SEC Championship game gets, the better idea we get of both Georgia and Alabama's situation on the injury fron...
Millions of new Dem voters — why wouldn’t Dems try? ...
San Jose State had 200 yds rushing vs the Trojans. 200. Bear took the quick pot-o-honey USCw offered instead of thinking long term. Instead of 1st round, he’ll go in the 4th. He’ll lose far more financially bc of this poor decision....
[quote]What makes you think he isn't running for office?[/quote]He’s mentally & physically incompetent. No way can he debate or do an interview without knowing the questions beforehand & having a sympathetic moderator/interviewer, especially if it’s over 45 minutes. Even then, it’ll be a disaster. R...

re: Are Georgia fans too excited?

Posted by CalDawg on 8/26/23 at 7:19 am
[quote]Winning back to back NC's isn't that big of a deal. [/quote]Tell me you’re stupid without telling me you’re stupid....

re: Ohio State

Posted by CalDawg on 8/26/23 at 7:01 am
[quote]Ohio State will win the NC this year.[/quote] FALSE. For 3 reasons: 1) Ohio State is soft. Good teams like Michigan & Georgia pounded tOSU in the 2nd half / 4Q. A misconception that Buckeye fans have is that DC Knowles has really improved their defense. Statistically, it looks tha...