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Registered on:9/25/2016
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[quote]no one believes this[/quote] :lol: Well he obviously could have....
[quote]Jail for what?[/quote] Just listen to James Comey addressing congressmen about this. He perfectly lays out all her crimes right before saying they won’t prosecute. Trump could have directed his Justice dept to prosecute her but didn’t because he thought it would tear the country apart. ...
[quote]this board idolizes one man so much[/quote] This is not true. Your ideology leads you to this conclusion. This board is very right leaning. Sometimes a thousand whispers can seem like a scream. Hell, half of us don’t even like Trump very much but the modern left is so insane that it leaves...
A black friend at work was stunningly honest about this. He said he is fine with a political persecution of Trump because of the decades of incarcerating black people and he sees Trump as the embodiment of a racist white establishment. He openly acknowledged and didn’t care that it was totally polit...
You just convicted the presidential nominee of the opposition for political reasons. Did you think we would be high fiving about it the next day? Everyone from both sides should be up in arms about this. But the left actually wants America to burn to the ground so there’s that....
[quote]Why would anyone donate $ to a politician much less a billionaire?! Much less someone you really don’t know what so ever whether you are for that person or not? Weird times.[/quote] The left in the USA is compiling political prisoners. It didn’t start with Trump and it won’t end with Trump...
I just gave $20 today so I’m not in yesterday’s numbers. The donations will keep flowing....
[quote]Trump is a philanderer and a fraud, and you want to talk about God. This shite is getting so old.[/quote] You want to make this a contest of who is the biggest sinner? ...

re: 2024 NASCAR Season Thread

Posted by Undertow on 5/30/24 at 12:02 pm
It’s ballsy to prioritize the Indy 500 without assurances from NASCAR that you’d get a waiver. For that reason I have no sympathy if he’s denied the waiver. I have no problem though on the flip side if he is granted a waiver considering how good him being in the 500 is for NASCAR....

re: 2024 NASCAR Season Thread

Posted by Undertow on 5/30/24 at 11:44 am
[quote]Ricky could have saved his car if he was a better driver.[/quote] This shouldn’t be a consideration at all. ...
[quote]Well, the MAGA's do sorta fancy him a secular Jesus. A political Christ figure, so to speak. He doesn't really have supporters, so much as he has worshipers or disciples[/quote] For every hardcore trump voter there’s a trump voter that doesn’t even like him very much but votes for him beca...
[quote]He has several young children. I'd be surprised if the leftists haven't threatened his family.[/quote] They threaten his family on a daily basis....
I like that you used ñ instead of n. Maybe it’s petty, but it bothers me when people don’t....
Just based on that quote and not seeing it, I’d chalk that up to frustration in the heat of the moment. He knows bunting is a part of the game as he himself said after the game....
The only fast food I will eat these days is Chick-fil-A. If I’m going to overpay for a meal it better be well made and the line better move quick. The rest of them will charge you an arm and a leg and you’ll also get to wait for 20 minutes and get inedible food....

re: Germany says it will arrest Bibi.

Posted by Undertow on 5/24/24 at 2:07 pm
Yeah Germany should sit this one out....
I think they were lucky to get the talent they got to compete with the juggernaut that is the WWE for a little while. It never was going to have the staying power to keep competitive at that level....
[quote]But somehow, big food is posting record profits anyways. So what gives??[/quote] Another believer in “greedflation”. smh....
Once again democrats are proving they don’t know shite about economics....
I have a 2012. I’m average....