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The Johnny Lawrence

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Registered on:9/29/2016
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Trump Jail Question

Posted by The Johnny Lawrence on 6/2/24 at 11:45 am
I know this is probably a dumb question but I can't find an answer anywhere online. If Trump is sentenced to jail time, and gets elected, assuming he can't pardon himself, what happens? Could he be president from jail? Does it get deferred? Legit curious the answer, not worried about if it...
What do you mean by modern architecture and club amenities? Just curious. ...
Basically. If I feel like I'm swaying, I'll do it for a few swings and then go back to normal after I get the proper feel back. If you're really struggling, you can hit a stack of balls or play a round like that and your body will start to grasp the concept. ...
Put a ball under your right foot (assuming you're right handed). Put it on the outer half of the ball of your foot so the outer portion of the foot is slightly off the ground. ...
I think making it affordable is the wrong route. It's an hour from most places in Baton Rouge. That means an hour there, an hour back, hour to pay/warmup/ grab drinks before teeing off, and four hours for golf. That's 7 hours without going to the 19th hole. That's basically an entire day. I ...
Lake Oconee has a bunch of courses that are all nice. Could make that work depending on budget. ...
I'd down vote you if you didn't recognize it. Most don't. I recognize it in myself and I make an active effort not to GAF about my kid's sporting events. It is the only way I can be. I can't be half way in, so I'm all the way out. If you were my dad, I'd be grateful that you grasped that fac...
I'd want to caddy for her because it would be something we would be able to cherish for the rest of our lives. Caveat: that assumes I normally caddie for her and we worked well together. Caveat 2: that assumes she wasn't actually trying to win the tournament. If you are trying to win the tou...
If they rented out the restaurant space, it could be a cool spot to hang...
It's dry as a bone out there. Could get around in deck shoes if you wanted. ...
I think I lay this out every time City Park is discussed. Obviously blow up every green and start over with bigger greens with bold contours. Think Metairie's greens. Just steal your favorite 9 greens and copy them inch for inch. Use good grass on the greens that can actually be maintained as gr...

re: Greystone

Posted by The Johnny Lawrence on 4/1/24 at 4:34 pm
Oh. I hated the course for a long time for the same reason. Play a round or two with someone who knows the course, and it gets markedly better. Once you know what club to hit off the tee and what you need to aim at, it isn't bad at all. ...

re: Greystone

Posted by The Johnny Lawrence on 3/29/24 at 10:00 am
[quote]Probably my favorite layout in the area.[/quote] Wow. I've heard a lot of Greystone takes, but that isn't one I've ever heard. I've learned not to hate it over the years as it has grown on me. ...
Use the one it don't. It's all up to you. But be consistent. If you do the one in the course, so it in practice ...

re: Future of Le Triomphe

Posted by The Johnny Lawrence on 3/26/24 at 5:33 pm
Is it open to the public?...

re: Future of Le Triomphe

Posted by The Johnny Lawrence on 3/26/24 at 12:26 pm
Can I get cliffs of what she's like. I don't hear anything good, but nothing specific. I'm just curious what's she is actually doing to piss everyone off. ...
I'm doing the anwa this year. Any recommendations outside of what you would recommend for the actual tournament ...

re: U Club first timer

Posted by The Johnny Lawrence on 3/25/24 at 11:12 am
I've played it a good bit over the years. Rarely do I walk off feeling anything other than beat down. Some like that. Some don't. I like it, but don't know if I'd be interested in that as my home course. ...
The amount of improvements the north would require to match the south makes it financially stupid. You can't have a high end golf course with 14-15 holes of 1 style and 3-4 with a completely different style, grass types, green types, etc. There has to be cohesion and that reno would be expensive. ...
Tournament rounds to me are better because it's more organized. You have a tee sheet and you know who is teeing off, in what order and they all play 18 holes. If you sit on 16, you'll see a group every 10-15 minutes. It you sit on 16 on Monday-Wednesday, you may or may not see any groups. No telling...