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Location:Where I lay my head is home.
Biography:Highly accomplished shitposter on the Political Talk board and decorated veteran of the 2016 Meme War.
Interests:Fishing and shitposting, occasionally providing relevant content to topics.
Occupation:Terminally preoccupied.
Number of Posts:25098
Registered on:12/7/2016
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[quote]is that a place we should look to retire?[/quote] America's trajectory is trending down. Like, straight down. Even if somehow Trump manages to overcome the entirety of the system and fraud that is being weaponized against him to prevent him from reclaiming his crown, I feel it only gives us ...

re: Did Joe Biden poop himself?

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 6/6/24 at 5:26 pm
[quote]Biden Drops First Bomb On Normandy In 80 Years [/quote] JFC I feel horrible for laughing at that but goddammit that was GOLD!...
[quote]Jill Biden comes off as not caring about Joe as much as she cares about power. [/quote] She's a Biden. Even if a Biden only by name, that's all they care about....
[quote]Don't forget - Trump called war dead "losers"[/quote] Have you forgotten that Biden confused his wife and sister for one another to their faces? Have you forgotten that Biden tells us every day that his delusional version of "economics" is working? Have you forgotten that Biden said "T...
[quote]Too many words for most here.[/quote] I have the gift of Internet gab, often to my detriment. It's a stark contrast when juxtaposed against my IRL antisocial, truncated and blunt personal interactions. ...

re: 7 billion to build

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 6/6/24 at 4:52 pm
[quote]Don't worry, Mayor Pete says we'll have half a million by 2030, so in just another 5 years we'll have 499,993 more of these.[/quote] At a cost of $1B per charging station, that only means the total cost will be $499,993,000,000,000. That's seems like a pretty solid plan to me. :lol: ...
[quote]Add Macron to the list of elites who have married an ugly-arse dude masquerading as a woman[/quote] [quote]VoxDawg[/quote] +1 I laughed, and really needed the laugh today :bow:...
[quote]The US is run my leftist elites, who run our domestic policies, and neocon elites, who run our foreign policies. It really is the worst of both worlds. And some Republicans try to fight it and some Republicans are complicit in it.[/quote] Brother, we are mostly definitely cut from the sam...
[quote]Are governments using crime to create fear for control of the masses? [/quote] Yes. And very effectively. It's a tool to come after the Second Amendment, ultimately. A). Allow rampant violent crime by handcuffing LEO policy or overruling it at the local, state and federal levels. ...
[quote]Putin reminded reporters that he had already commented on this issue, describing the incumbent US president Joe Biden as “an old-school politician” and “more predictable” than his predecessor and challenger Donald Trump. “Everyone took my statement about Biden as some kind of joke at his expe...
I wonder how many people realize that this country will literally tear itself apart if we get pulled into a war against Russia, and also how many realize that Vladimir Putin will 100% use his vast nuclear arsenal if NATO steps into his hood? This isn't 2001 when a "9/11" type event will stoke the...
[quote]In her latest round of judicial Calvinball on Wednesday, [/quote] Here's what really gets me about this. Politico had nothing but the highest praise for the creepy fricking corrupt "judge" in Trump's "hush money trial" who did [b]NOTHING BUT[/b] play Calvinball for weeks and deny Trump's F...
[quote]Or Warsaw Pact.[/quote] Open Skies Treaty comes to mind as well....
[quote]France's Macron: "No Doubt Whatsoever" Russia Will Target Paris Olympics w/ Cyberattack[/quote] When they announce their false flags ahead of time, hopefully you've realized how powerful these global elites truly are. Add Macron to the list of elites who have most certainly immensely prof...
The pit hair is pretty gross. But, cleaned up and if you didn't know she's slept with probably hundreds of men and women just like Hunter Biden and worse, she'd definitely score in the top half of the IWHI scale. As it stands, not bad at all to look at, but that's a hard "no". They just don't...
[quote]Good church going Christian, 3.9 avg College Students who were fine assets of, and contributed to the well-being of the neighbors in, the community![/quote] The only thing the media missed was to post pictures of these guys in their suits when they graduated grade school. I suppose those pic...
[quote]It isn't surprising that Payne Jr. was not challenged in the primary. He had held the seat since 2012, which his father had occupied for 20 years prior to that. Payne Jr. succeeded his father when the elder Payne also died in office.[/quote] Ahh, another dynastic political progeny line that ...
[quote]It might have made some sense in 1824, but it makes no sense in 2024.[/quote] It actually makes perfect sense depending on your perspective. If your point of view is from the mindset of wanting millions of new uneducated, poverty class, non-English-speaking voters from families attached t...
[quote]Any finance guys know what this means, if anything.[/quote] Not a finance guy so I can't/won't attempt to answer that. But, it appears our SCOTUS has exposed yet another federal overreach scheme that most of us have lived our lives accepting as an unquestionable standard and norm. I li...
[quote][b]Virginia [/b]will halt its participation in the [b]California electric vehicle mandate program[/b] at the end of the year, describing it as harmful to businesses in the state and [b]allowing outside officials to dictate policy[/b].[/quote] Umm, yeah. That seems pretty obvious to me, and w...