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Registered on:12/29/2016
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[quote]Elliot Easton[/quote] I was coming to post this but you beat me to it. He probably won’t make too many “top” lists but he provided some fantastic guitar work…and as you correctly note, he did not try to overshadow the songs. I recently noticed that I enjoy the songs that Benjamin Orr ...
[quote]Richard Gere put a gerbil up his arse[/quote] Who was an original investor in Habitrails? Who raised hairless gerbils and trained them to walk backwards through tunnels? Who had a pet gerbil named Stinky? The answer becomes apparent if you ask the right questions... ...
[quote]You'll need one of these if you're in Laffy.[/quote] Ideal way to accessorize the Affliction tee......
The buttons on that double-breasted suit are about to fly off and hurt someone ...
[quote]Billy Martin[/quote] Rangers and Indians brawled in a game the previous week. Martin was asked if he feared retribution on the upcoming trip to Cleveland. He responded “They don’t have enough fans there to worry about,”. Cleveland fans were insulted. Indians management decided it wo...
Try Jason Isbell, Tyler Childers and Kruangbin…not necessarily “new”.but all still putting out great music...
[quote]He will always be KITT to me [/quote] "My-kel...I don't like the looks of it My-kel..."...
The, making him look bad...
[quote]Interesting... I saw that tour last year and Squeeze was the headliner..[/quote] I bought the tickets well in advance and it was billed as Squeeze as the headliner. Seems like they are sort of on equal footing in terms of popularity/ maybe they alternated the order of shows?? ...
Saw them a few months back with Squeeze. I was surprised that Squeeze opened for PF...honestly expected it to be the other way around. Richard Butler sounded great and was very "theatrical" with exaggerated movements and gestures. Not sure why but I sort of expected him to be more moody, but ...
Not sure what makes someone rise to the level of virtuoso, but both of the DeLeo brothers are great players and super innovative. ...

re: Sugar - Apple+

Posted by BabysArmHoldingApple on 5/17/24 at 1:55 pm
[quote]James Cromwell stars in LA Confidential and is the person that hires Sugar in this series. So, did James Cromwell not star in LA Confidential in the world of Sugar?[/quote] I thought the exact same thing. I wasn't sure if it was unintentional...but then I thought there was no way they co...
[quote]The run of London Calling, Sandinista!, and Combat Rock was an amazing run of music. [/quote] Agree...I purchased all immediately upon release...all were in heavy rotation. Having said that, London Calling is almost a perfect (double) album...the energy, the music, the lyrics.... just i...

re: Seger or Springsteen

Posted by BabysArmHoldingApple on 5/15/24 at 1:43 pm
[quote]Funny how Rolling Stone keeps propping up Springsteen and U2 because of their politics; their current stuff sucks.[/quote] I’ve felt for a while that he has gotten more political for just this reason…to stay relevant and in favor with the music press. ...

re: Seger or Springsteen

Posted by BabysArmHoldingApple on 5/15/24 at 5:33 am
[quote]I think of Seger as a Springsteen imitator in the manner of John Cougar, which is of course ironic since Seger was around for years before Springsteen[/quote This is exactly correct. Many on here seemed to form their opinion of Bruce based solely on overplaying of Born in the USA and more...
Jason Isbell Didn’t discover him here but discussion on this board piqued interest to go deep into his catalogue. ...
KLFY reporting that next game is canceled and will not be played. The team's future is in doubt. Lake Charles mayor chimes in calling the situation a "bullet dodged"...