Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:645
Registered on:6/21/2017
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I'm so sick of people whining about teachers' pay. What other profession out there that works little complains that they are underpaid. They get off like at 2-3 pm and get so many long holidays. Plus, anytime it rains they cancel school. I...
Plus it’s hot as frick everyday ...

re: Memorial Day in Baton Rouge

Posted by bdavids09 on 5/27/24 at 10:30 am
Buddy you ain’t safe anywhere in this city. ...
[quote]Beth makes a salary of mid 400’s a year.[/quote] Is that true? Thats a massive salary for a sport that makes no money ...
We’re all the women really attractive there? ...
Yeah I’d be really fascinating to see red square. So much history ...
I hate it. Nobody ever used that word until few years ago ...
Did she not get it diagnosed soon? I thought if they catch it early it’s curable...
Sorry to hear than man. Were yall still close?...
Biden has to be the worst in US history. He just sounds awful and is terrible at communicating. I would say either Reagan or Obama. Reagan was the best at communicating a message. Obama, love him or hate him you have to admit he did have charisma. ...
They are awful. They scratch wood in house and whine in middle of night. Much rather would get a dog. ...
That poor child had to witness her father get shot then mother arrested for life. That kid has no chance in this world. ...
I just hate to support liberals. They want to destroy this nation and kill babies!!...
You know he was a die hard liberal right?...

re: Can Louisiana ever be fixed?

Posted by bdavids09 on 5/10/24 at 7:08 pm
You can blame politicians but it’s the people of this state that are very low class character wise. If we had DeSantis or Giuliani in the 90s it wouldn’t make a difference. Just like the best college football coaches always recruit the best players because it’s all about talent. We don’t have talen...
I actually really like their regular coffee but I don’t go often because the wait is forever with everyone getting those fancy drinks that take ten minutes to make. I get race tracks coffee now...
He said that he wasn’t before but it’s just odd that he is almost 70 and has never been married and he is never around women since he’s been in public eye. Maybe he just hasn’t met the right person but Politicians are the most alpha type personalities out there. so if he wanted a wife he could ...
I mean wealthy European countries like Norway, Germany etc. I always hear media say it’s safer in Europe because they have no guns. But the more I think about it, the lower class in the US is just more violent. I think there would be tons of stabbings, strangulations or other ways people would ...