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Occupation:Queen of one Day
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Registered on:8/15/2017
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Oooh - I forgot about that one. Where Affirmative Action Jackson worried out loud about the danger of the First Amendment limiting the power of the Government and officially entered the race for the bottom of dumbest SCJ with Wise Latina. ...
The end of the Chevron standard would be a cause for celebration among legal nerds and businesses, and would have the biggest impact on the Deep State. Let that thing burn. I bet Kav writes whatever the opinion is bc administrative law is his wheelhouse. The Fisher case is a way bigger deal than...
Scott SUCKS If it can’t be Vivek it needs to be Burgum. It does not need to be a sitting member of congress. Especially not Scott. Trump won’t live past Inauguration Day if it’s Scott. Burgum is the most random. And a governor. I still wish it were Vivek. And we’re all fricked if tha...
[quote]Cannon, appointed by Trump after serving as a federal prosecutor, has come under fire for her conduct during the trial. She has reportedly been confused by court proceedings, requiring explanations from counsel on both sides, and has, since May 16, inspired more than 1,000 complaints filed ag...
This entire war is senseless. Our participation in it at any level is senseless. Oh and frick Victoria Nuland. ...
Yes it is possible. SFP has been acting all contrarian about it, but there are significant constitutional reasons they can, and should step in now. Just because it is rare for the SCOTUS to grant emergency, immediate review (through either a common law writ, or writ of habeas corpus), doesn’t me...
She really went there with that F Bomb and praised Jesus while she was at it. I’d like to go have some cocktails with MTG after CrossFit or pickleball or something. ...
[quote]Assuming this is correct, it assumes this is the only path to conviction, which is not true We don't even know if this was used, ultimately[/quote] The court in NY doesn’t have the authority to even make it an option. ...
Why does SFP choose such weird hills to die on? ...
[quote]Why would the case be dismissed?[/quote] Because the Federal Court System has the exclusive subject matter jurisdiction to prosecute bookkeeping entries used to conceal alleged violations of the fricking FEC. The Supreme Court has held on 3 separate occasions that the jurisdiction is exclu...
The part you bolded is what makes the instructions reversible error and the jury verdict absolutely null for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. Nobody’s saying that the jury wasn’t instructed about the federal law - the problem is that instruction made the whole judgment defective, reversible a...
[quote]Afraid that we might end up with "thousandaires" rather than "billionaires" ???[/quote] That’s exactly what they’re afraid of. ...
[quote]I would see it happening by fixing the current amount of national debt at its current level, and any increases would have to be tied to real increases in whatever backs the currency.[/quote] Thank you for this. Which is an actual solution of what to do next, as opposed to - there’s no fix...
[quote]Currency reset to wipe debt which will never be paid off along with the associated interest payments benefitting people that aren’t the US taxpayer.[/quote] How do you do that, exactly? IOW who are the Debtors whose debt we are wiping away, how do we just pass a law and wipe the debt away,...
[quote]End the mandates[/quote] What are “the mandates” to which you refer? ETA I’m basically down with eliminating any mandate bc more laws will never make us more free. ...
Ugh. I just googled. frick all that noise. I also feel way more uncomfortable about the existence of Janet Yellen. How the frick was this idiot running this show? ...
[quote]needs to be independent[/quote] Independent of what? ...
[quote]the Bank of International Settlements stepping in[/quote] No sarcasm- what is this? ...
[quote]You're going to have to explain this within the context of the discussion to give you an option to perform the duties. What aspect of "not being able to afford a house" are you attributing to the fed?[/quote] Low interest rates made prices rise. Now if you’re 25 years old buying a house i...
[quote]The system is broken beyond repair. When you bail out people who have failed with the treasury, you rig the system for investors and bankers.[/quote] This was Moderate Neighbor’s position. So if it’s broken. Why can’t we scrap it and then start with something else? The question posed ...