Favorite team:Chicago Cubs 
Location:South Bend, Indiana
Number of Posts:27766
Registered on:1/13/2007
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[quote]Note: a “view” is calculated by dividing the number of hours each title is watched by its runtime[/quote] So for every 5 people who watch 10 minutes then bail, they add a viewer to the count. That's some Common Core shite....
No. I love my wife, but [i]she's[/i] a memory I don't mess with....

re: My Star Wars Prediction

Posted by TigerFanatic99 on 6/6/24 at 5:54 pm
[quote] It’s not that they necessarily want it to ‘bomb’ but they care far more about promoting their leftist message and subverting a traditionally masculine hobby than they do about making money[/quote]Hollywood. Correct. Success is measured by more than just money. They didn't buy Star Wars. ...
[quote] 3. They’ve repeatedly touted that the lead actress is the first non-binary lead in SW[/quote] I'm glad they are doing something about the under-representation of mentally handicap in hollywood....
[quote]St. George would take almost 100,000 residents away from East Baton Rouge Parish[/quote] I didn't major in geography, but unless I missed something isn't St. George still in EBR parish? Where exactly is St. George taking these people?...
Well frick me I was stuck watching Elon talk about fricking Bitcoin....
I fricking hate these people and what they did to my beloved. [img]https://y.yarn.co/e1075657-df04-4794-8b82-5bb706694339_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]A quick perusal of wookiepedia tells me that the earliest (in-universe) character to have used a light whip in the EU existed over a thousand years before the battle of Yavin [/quote] I could see something used 1000 years ago being lost to antiquity. But not something as recently used a...
[quote]Part of my enjoyment is just seeing the technology 100 years in the past vs TPM, and I feel they did a good job with that.[/quote] I can already tell you that this is about to trigger the shite out of me. I'm concerned with seeing bad arse lightsaber whips and a hither-to unknown type of lig...
I see we're going to have to wait for next week for the vaunted episode 3, destined to break the backs of the toxic male Star Wars fanbase and usher in a new era of Star Wars inclusiveness. As an aside, the production quality is fantastic. The sets look real and lifelike, not that obnoxiously fa...
Just started it and 2 minutes in - the force is FEMALE AF....
I think kicking off 2025 Republicans will not control anything, unfortunately....
[quote]We can also get darker and more paranoid and speculate that some Mexican cartel boss told Red Bull that they would kill Horner if Perez is let go. [/quote]OK? Well shite, Red Bull could have solved two problems at once....
[quote] I prefer the regional format. I would like the supers to consolidate to top 4 remaining seeds and follow the regional format. Those 4 winners make it to cws[/quote] I could get into this. [quote]Cws would be a group play format where the 4 teams first do a round robin. Worst record is...

re: UNC 4 @ LSU 3 Final

Posted by TigerFanatic99 on 6/3/24 at 7:26 pm
Let's fricking go. CLOSE THIS shite OUT...
[quote]His day I hope is coming. He needs to hang for the things he has done, Rand Paul is dead on about him.[/quote] Don't hold your breath...
[quote]His day I hope is coming. He needs to hang for the things he has done, Rand Paul is dead on about him.[/quote] Don't hold your breath...

re: 2024 NASCAR Season Thread

Posted by TigerFanatic99 on 6/3/24 at 7:10 pm
[quote]So you have a problem with Larson getting a waiver due to missing a race after the weather messed his plans up, but you don't have a problem with Elliott getting a waiver for missing a race due to a suspension imposed because he intentionally wrecked a competitor (costing that competitor valu...
[quote]Quite sure Fauci committed perjury in his response to Jordan. Fauci is acting out because he knows he is done!![/quote] Nobody cares about him committing perjury. Who's going to charge him? The DOJ? :rotflmao:...