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Just give him money. That poor guy just came from the frontlines. He is fighting the entirety of Russia by himself....and is in no way hiding away from the war. ...
I'm always amused at how TDSers... tend to believe everything negative about trump. In their minds, they've built trump up to be such a one dimensional villain....that anyone who actually delves into the claims to figure out what happened, they're automatically considered a trump loyalist. On...
May wanna go somewhere where everyone lives in the bubble, and doesn't venture out.... to post that obviously fake shite. They will eat it up and believe it to be factual. Here.. we post shite from all sides. So the truth is often discovered. That losers hoax was debunked the same day ...
9/11.. .most of us were naive. We stood united, and we were basically a frenzied mob wanting vengeance. It was during that frenzied mob phase that a few legislations were passed to oppress American citizens.. it was during that frenzied mob phase that we were coaxed into cheering for the destruc...
Gotta be a woke bitch if you work in film and tv. She definitely a woke bitch. ...
It's not meant to hurt Biden or Hunter. It's just meant to be used as a talking point about how our justice system isn't two tiered.... in order to justify the political targeting of trump. Kind of like how the FBI investigated hillbitch....even though they knew that nothing would ever come of...
[quote]We don't know, and will likely never know.[/quote] That's some scary shite. It's basically just a "take our word for it" from the people trying to lock up other people. The fact that it's apparently a legit strategy that is legal....makes it even scarier. Because if it works against ...
It's just people wanting an environment with lesser crime. St George has people of all skintones residing within it. ...
Iran also doesn't align with us. Neither do the Saudis. We are kissing their asses nonstop. The Russia thing... isn't about whether they are like us or not. Idgaf about Russia. I just recognize how unbelievably dumb it is to start ww3 against a nuclear power. My concern isn't abou...
[quote]So you are a sell out. You would break your word to your allies.[/quote] We didn't have a problem fricking over our allies when Biden fricked up the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden and company couldn't even beat back a third world terror group. But we're somehow supposed to start ww3 a...
Gop controlled Senate only means a slow down of Democrat policies. Nothing more, nothing less. Not a stop. Not a counter. Just a slow down. Gop will fight tooth and nail to prevent any nondemocrat policies from gaining momentum. ...
Trump is the only presidential candidate who views black people as people.. as equals. Biden consistently talks down about black people. Showing the world that he's a legit old school racist who refuses to evolve. I'm in awe about how successful the establishment has brainwashed a lot of th...
0% chance Hunter is convicted. ...
And she will probably make more money than both her parents. Lot of horny nerds out there that love throwing money at onlyfans models. ...
Is your argument that it's not clear if both sides would be held to a different standard because one side doesn't protest abortion clinics? If so.. then it's logical to throw away that comparison, and opt for one that both sides have participated in. In order to judge the standards each side ...
Should we use the Capitol building as a comparison then? Since both sides have invaded the Capitol building, injured police, blocked the entrances, and did their best to interrupt a vote? For one side... Some people were rounded up and arrested just for being in the same city as those doing ...
Basically. Only the left are allowed to coordinate protesters through social media. Gotta love our two tiered justice system. ...
That judge is a nasty kunt. Apparently she's the epitome of DC. It's sad really. How the people from our nation's capital genuinely hate half the population of our country. ...
Eventually little kids selling lemonade from cardboard stands will probably be beaten and robbed, in California. ...