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Location:The Woodlands, TX
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Registered on:10/20/2017
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[quote]Not that Roberts isn’t a gigantic vagina- but this is his fault for dismissing Texas v. Pennsylvania for no apparent reason.[/quote] THe reason was in the opinion, but not in Gateway Pundit, which puts you at a disadvantage....
[quote] But it’s on tape ??[/quote][quote]Liar[/quote] Access Hollywood tape ring a bell, dumbass. There you go again, acting the fool, calling posters liars with nothing to back it up. ...

re: Trump will be found guilty

Posted by texridder on 5/30/24 at 1:41 pm
[quote]This judge is a Biden donor so he's obviously a Biden voter, he doesn't care that this case will be tossed on appeal with the quickness, [b]because his big donation to the campaign right now is the narrative[/b][/quote] Big donation of $25. Give me a break....
[quote][b]This article originally appeared on [u]Infowars[/u] and was republished with permission[/b].[/quote][quote]The researchers concluded by giving their opinion on the findings and documenting why the death rate increase is attributed to the Covid injections.[/quote][quote]Night Vision[/quote]...
[quote]How about the fact that it’s a managed account?[/quote] Face it. You are too stupid to make an actual response. ...
You’re right. That is the Dems super secret weapon. ...
[quote] insider trading[/quote] How about the fact that it’s a managed account?...
[quote]This situation called for much more discretion, yet they went to the far opposite end. Intentionally. It’s yet another blatant disregard for their overall sworn duties and obligations. Storm troopers raiding a peaceful family home with hopes of provoking some sort of spectacular incident. Tho...
[quote]Judge are politicians and almost uniformly worship the government apparatus that provides them a comfortable lifestyle. They're whores for increased state control and decreased individual liberty[/quote] So what's your livlihood and what about it allows you to take such a sanctimonious view?...
[quote].I get that but never the less it doesn't change the facts of the massive cheating for Biden in 2020.[/quote]How many peple do you think had to be in on the millions of rigged votes? And how many of these legions of cheaters have come forward and admitted they cheated? ...
[quote]Melania is a class act, and old school. I think the comparison btwn her and Stormy would put the last nail in Bragg’s Coffin.[/quote]Have you by chance never seen the semi-nude pictures Melania took for British GQ? You seem to be generally lacking in real world experience. ...
[quote]You replied to my factual truth. And proved me correct as always[/quote] There were no facts in your post that I responded to. That proves you are a dumbass, as always....
[quote] He is personally, personally responsible for thousands of deaths, simply so he could enrich himself and those around him. FU tex.[/quote] More made up bullshite.Why dont you be more specific? How is lying Comer's impeachment going? You need to send him a couple of specifics since he c...
[quote]Shut the frick up, democrat. You will speak when spoken to. Your neck will be under the boot soon enough.[/quote] Quit taking those assholee pills. You've had too many already....
[quote]while he was the one who abandoned our soldiers in Afghanistan.[/quote]Horseshite. TRump talked a big gme about withdrawing the troops, but never did it....
[quote]The truth always bothers you clowns the most[/quote] I'm still waiting for you to post the truth just once....
[quote]frick DixRiderfrick DixRider frick DixRirer[/quote] You are far and away the stupidest poster on this board. And that is no smeall feat....
[quote]Melt[/quote] A drooling idiot response. Stick to the OT, loser....
[quote]frick you you bleeding vag[/quote] Another double digit IQ asinine post....
[quote]Liar. Liberals manipulate every single thing that they write..It's gross.[/quote] FU. Asswhip.You Trumpers are so persecuted it'a a joke. Get a grip....