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Registered on:12/29/2017
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Wait, so the plaintiff attorneys can have the doctors jack up the bill artificially and that is what is claimed even though the amount due is actually much less??...

re: Service Dogs for Vets

Posted by DevilDagNS on 6/6/24 at 5:07 am
After seeing these replies, it is starting to make sense. ...

re: Service Dogs for Vets

Posted by DevilDagNS on 6/5/24 at 6:05 pm
[quote]I'm biting my tongue right now. No combat infantry vet would make the statement you just made. None[/quote] Then you better bite that bitch off because it just happened. ...

re: Service Dogs for Vets

Posted by DevilDagNS on 6/5/24 at 2:30 pm
I am a vet. I know a few vets with service dogs. My assessment is most are complete bullshite. Also, if you are so fricked up you need a dog to walk into target, you don't need to be outside the house....
[quote]So you two pedophiles want a 7 year old to watch two adults having sex? You both should be on a registry somewhere.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/SG-LGr43j4cAAAAC/j-alexander-clutching-my-pearls.gif[/img]...
[quote]The witness said her minor children were asking questions about what the subjects were doing.[/quote] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/mcGssoPdQ4rhS/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9520bx3iw5ot5yg1exv7sa9uve6cugc9k7ppd62ep7z&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...

re: Ethics Question for the board

Posted by DevilDagNS on 5/28/24 at 2:43 pm
[quote]A person is a known sexual addict and has called a professional on a personal phone to "initiate" conversations outside of the therapeutic relationship. Knowing that one of the goals is to have the person stop contacting others to "initiate conversations," does the colleague remove from casel...
[quote]Tort reform does nothing to lower rates. Louisiana is a prime example.[/quote] Calling something “tort reform” doesn’t make it so. ...
Unless international, everything. I hate checking bags, except golf clubs....
[quote]What are your thoughts?[/quote] My thoughts are Landry knows there is a super majority so he can veto and save face with the ambulance chasers and the measures will still pass. The other issue is that the legislature is still stacked with "republican" plaintiff lawyers who aren't going...
Saw an F-18 drop a JDAM on a building we were taking fire from and a body flew about 200 feet into the air like it was a doll....

re: Auto insurance rates plummet

Posted by DevilDagNS on 5/17/24 at 8:50 am
[i]"Plaintiff attorneys are not the problem."[/i] Sincerely, the plaintiff bar....
[quote]which authorities quickly proved through his cell phone's geolocation.[/quote] People are reatrded....
[quote]which authorities quickly proved through his cell phone's geolocation.[/quote] People are reatrded....
[i]"and the opinion I have come to is, I don't matter."[/i] Yall on here bashing him, but I would say ole Jim finally stumbled upon some clarity....
[quote] At this point the potential nuclear melt on election night is all the reason anyone needs to vote for Trump.[/quote] 100%. ...