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Location:Lower Saxony
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Registered on:2/26/2007
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re: Meet the new Miss Alabama

Posted by redstick13 on 6/6/24 at 2:24 pm
Better than the old?...
[quote]Remember when Banned from Television advertised non-stop during Stern and the big hook was a super grainy video of lady on a train track about to be hit? And it was this big, secret knowledge thing that wasn't really part of accepted society?[/quote] You don't remember rotten.com?...
Died hoping to get likes from someone else who loved what she was doing....
€56 last month. Thermostat is set on whatever temp it is outside which is around 56 at night....
[quote]I got a pretty decent hamburger in the hood yesterday for a fiver[/quote] Cotton’s in LC [img]https://i.postimg.cc/T1zYqp2c/IMG-0803.jpg[/img]...
I’ve moved away 7 times, it’s hard to really say at this point....

re: Toronto is one ugly city

Posted by redstick13 on 6/3/24 at 2:20 pm
[quote]It’s actually pretty easy if you’re not obsessed with being outraged. I’m not taking them to drag queen story time, but I don’t mind if Jules sings them a song about brushing their teeth.[/quote] Problem we had is that Jules does have some videos we don’t want our child seeing and those vi...
Dove the Great Barrier Reef later that same year and the protocols had been significantly changed because of this incident....
[quote]Who is Ms Rachel and why would I want to watch that? Why are you watching?[/quote] She’s an extremely influential person that our toddlers are watching. It’s always a good idea to know who is influencing our children....
[quote]She’s extremely, extremely popular with toddlers. Kind of the closest thing to their generation’s Mister Rogers, so this is something that parents definitely need to be made aware of.[/quote] Her videos are like crack for toddlers. Our toddler loved watching her videos until she got to the...
[quote]Could care less because he is a Democrat[/quote] You must be one of them intellectual pubs....
Was he doing lines on his desk or what?...
No prejob testing at my current job but we are all company sanctioned drivers as we make client and field visits. If we are involved in any accident we are subject to testing. Also a DUI is automatic dismissal due to the harsh DUI penalties in Germany. ...
[quote]Fast food alone is not making people obese my dude. Grocery store shelves are the main issue.[/quote] This right here is the real issue. My family immediately started dropping bad weight when we moved overseas without having to make any significant changes to our diets. We just have better...
[quote]Another disillusioned Biden voter! So you're better off now than you were while Trump was president? If you wanna be honest, which you Demwits are not at all, you would say definitely not![/quote] Many times during my life I have said “boy both of these options we have to vote on are prett...
The dog looks like the most sterile thing collage of disease....