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re: Biden Has An Episode in France

Posted by FlySaint on 6/6/24 at 1:15 pm
That one on the right is a big ‘un!...
I’ll summarize. Ferals and their DemCommie masters FAFO....
The selectively scrubbed version of the laptop no doubt. Gotta protect #DementiaJoe to protect Democracy!...
When Trump gets reelected Schiff should be moved into a tiny Gitmo cell with Mo and Aziz!...
Didn’t Cohen previously testified that there was no scheme. And didn’t Daniel’s sign a sworn affidavit there was no affair? So were they lying then or now? Or both times depending on what benefits them most? Very credible. And that’s the best “evidence” Bragg had. Only the seriously mentally...
Great idea! Then Trump’s new AG can prosecute him!!...
You think Trumps legal team agreed to those jury instructions? :lol: :lol: :lol:...
The jury was sent home early today so the DemCommies could execute their pressure campaign on select sympathetic and vulnerable jurors overnight. Duh!...
Five minutes after Trump is sworn in this coming January there needs to be a roundup of Pelosi, Obama, Jarrett, Garland, Comey, Wray, etc, plus all members of the J6 committee, every Dem Impeachment prosecutor and witness. Add Bragg, Merchan, Fani, Jack Smith. Also Milley and Austin. Plenty other...
No he won’t kick a million illegals to the curb. It’ll be more like 10-12 Million! :dude:...
Why would they come forward when they’re given Medals of Freedom instead?...
The third time he was sent to the Pen should’ve been the final time. This crime and all the rest since the third incarceration are on the woke DAs that enabled him....
No problem. Under Trump only nominees from Florida, Texas, Arkansas and Alabama. DeSantis, Sara Sanders and Tubberville, etc pick nominees for the East and West coast positions. I’m good with that....
I think it’ll be Tim Scott. Don’t like that pick but it absolutely won’t be a white male. But selecting Scott takes away some of the wokeness backlash that would otherwise happen when Trump’s VP select crushes KamalaHo in debates....
So when does the judge charge him with perjury?...

re: What is gender affirming care?

Posted by FlySaint on 5/15/24 at 9:05 pm
Gender affirming care is what the medical community does now instead of referring the profoundly mentally ill to a psychiatrist....