Favorite team:Texas 
Location:High Plains Driftin'
Number of Posts:11011
Registered on:3/20/2007
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re: 10 cent beer night. Great idea?

Posted by TejasHorn on 6/5/24 at 11:10 pm
The shite that went down back then makes the 60s and 70s laugh at today’s smartphone addicted society and internet warriors. ...
I know it’s not underrated but Siamese Dream is under appreciated as one of the best pure rock albums ever. Maybe the best since the 80s....

re: Lsu has the ugliest uniforms.

Posted by TejasHorn on 6/3/24 at 10:39 pm
AZ State has the worst. A shame since they have a cool mascot that will poke you with his pitchfork. LSU isn’t far behind but at least there’s no mistaking them....
Thanks all. My motivation was to help prevent any more massive damage from storms. The limbs are very weighted down, but it sounds like it’s best to wait until early fall....
I assume “they” means private equity, indeed the scourge of American business. But that’s on JMs for selling out. Given their success someone will duplicate their model if they get vultured by PE. And we already have countless sub sandwich restaurants....
I did for the Police reunion tour in ‘07. Had to sit way up the first night because we had a big group. Snatched a late, cheap single close to the stage the 2nd night and 100% was worth it....
We have a large mature pecan that I failed to prune back in March. Now it’s shaggy as hell and lost a huge limb in a recent windstorm. Is it OK to give it a major haircut in June? We aren’t expecting any extreme heat in northeast Texas for a while. We’ve had about double the normal rainfall for ...

re: Candidate For Worst Movie Ever

Posted by TejasHorn on 6/2/24 at 12:12 pm
The first date with my now-wife, we saw Ricki and the Flash. Meryl Streep plays an aging, wannabe rock star. What do I win? ...
The state governments have more important problems to address. You know, what’s going on in people’s bedrooms, women’s bodies, and making sure Bible verses are present in all public spaces. Oh, and the honorable Texas AG and others in the Texas legislature would never take kickbacks from the i...
While I’m not a Biden “fan,” there’s one of these two octogenarians at significant risk of going to prison. With more trials to come. His name isn’t Joe Biden. ...
I can see casino owners like Adelson and such donating. They’ll be expecting to get something out of it eventually, especially given trump’s lack of morals. But common Joe’s donating a few hundred bucks to Trump is unfathomable to me. ...
NI haircuts aren’t really high n’ tights, they’re in a special regional class. These are high n’ tights… [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.y6fnQpqDZ9rty_XfjJQouQHaFa%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=ef04dfb2cba5bd24ed5592f76bdaee5871f34feb6613...
It sounds like a typical day at your local Chinese buffet. And they’re still in business and doing fine....
[quote]Russian bots share upside-down flags across X after guilty verdict[/quote]...
It was a win-win case for most around here… gold medalists in mental gymnastics....
Restaurants charge what the market will bear. And the latest projections are a record year in sales and profits, after a record year in 2023. As far as minimum wage increases, most of that (not all) has been restaurant decisions and not legislation. Due to labor shortages. Texas hasn’t passed min...
SFA was a D-1AA power in football for a window in the 80s and 90s. Larry Centers was an absolute beast his senior year and took them to the championship game. The Ladyjack hoops team also used to show well every year in the tourney, There’s zero reason SFA should be in the WAC. It must’ve been...
If trump had been in office when all that went down the world would be a better place....
Wolf brand >>> Hormel. Chili Diced red onion Diced pickled jalapeños French’s mustard...
You can’t be a true libertarian and believe the government should legislate against or be involved in one’s lifestyle choices. ...