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re: LIU relief pitchers

Posted by drizztiger on 5/31/24 at 8:44 pm
[quote]They'll be halfway back to Massapequa by then[/quote] :lol:...

re: LIU relief pitchers

Posted by drizztiger on 5/31/24 at 8:41 pm
[quote]They played their hearts out. Let a team like that hang around when you don’t use your best, bad things happen. Unc lucked out LIU didn’t have 1 more pitcher.[/quote] They need a victory lap when we win this regional....

re: LIU relief pitchers

Posted by drizztiger on 5/31/24 at 8:34 pm
[quote]LIU relief pitchers Throwing lollipops in there. shite was like BP. [/quote] There's a reason they were a 4 seed. I had to find them on KPI. I just hit a homer against them....
[quote]I see you sharks! This team has some magic in them too. What a great day for the tigers if Sharks hold on [/quote] I'm sure the Sharks fans gave up a long time ago. That would equate them to LSU fans. ...
[quote]Can I enjoy this? [/quote] And I will !!!! :bow:...
[quote]Woah, okay guy…..sure sure[/quote] I didn't mean that towards you Josh. I know where I responded, but it was different. We're usually cool and that was on me. ...
[quote]What are you rambling on about?[/quote] Generally posters that think they know it all, yet have a terrible track record and surrender at any moment....
[quote]Thats what you get with teams as bad as LIU, sticking with a pitcher through all that[/quote] The answer as a 4 seed is what?!? 1, 2, 3 seeds should all save their pitching. I am so confused why you and LE aren't raking millions by now. It's weird....
Not looking so good. LIU is like a little league team and still game them a game. This was like playing Digby....
[quote]tigerskin[/quote] Much respect for you BPB this game. And much respect for LIU battling the frick....
[quote]Ump is squeezing[/quote] This. Get 'em anyway. But that was 5 strikes for 3....
[quote]moneyg[/quote][quote]I know. [/quote] Unlikely. Doesn't matter the material....
You know it's something when a team is wearing refitted curtains for uniforms. :lol:...
[quote]Wish we had a pbp for this unc game. [/quote] If that ball gets down it's wide open....
If LIU gets into this bullpen, all the happies....