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Registered on:3/24/2007
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Well, no more money spent passing thru Mandeville for my family....
Because he is scared of ball at bat I heard he asked the umpire if he could bat from the dugout ...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by jeffsdad on 5/31/24 at 1:00 pm
Never seen a catcher so scared of the ball batting. He should just ask the ump if he could bat from the dugout ...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by jeffsdad on 5/31/24 at 12:45 pm
What happened to Jake brown? Thought he was doing well?...

re: Milazzo and the outside corner

Posted by jeffsdad on 5/31/24 at 12:18 pm
He struck out the last out of the championship game in the same manner. Could not reach the ball ...
That Human Dissection booklet brought up an old bad memory. I sold a set of autopsy knives I got from a Pathologist about 10 years ago. They were the sharpest knives I'd ever seen and very high quality (german or swedish I think). Anyways, I always wondered if I sold it to someone with bad motives....

re: GMT

Posted by jeffsdad on 5/30/24 at 5:09 am
Morning all! Good to see only the elite posting today!...
In general I don't drink. The last few times i have (over a long time span) its just been to relax and not be uptight and have a good time. ...
On a sidebar question to the military folk here. Why are the Huthies suddenly able to shoot down our Reaper drones? They've shot down 6 now. ...
First of all, who you replacing her with?...

re: Why does mayo need refrigerated?

Posted by jeffsdad on 5/29/24 at 7:42 pm
Wrong, air is present before and after opening, its not an anaerobic environment before its opened. Bacteria are always present, refrigeration keeps them in check after opening. When you begin using mayo with a spoon etc, this also introduces the majority of the bacteria and hence the refrigeration...
Well, listen man, if you need to borrow one of the LLOTOT for a weekend let me know. Glad you are doing better. ...

re: Why does mayo need refrigerated?

Posted by jeffsdad on 5/29/24 at 2:07 pm
Because when you open it you expose it to contamination. Bacteria reproduce at room temp, but most don't reproduce well under refrigeration. ...

re: GMT

Posted by jeffsdad on 5/29/24 at 8:16 am
Morning Nurse, morning all. Needs to be a busy day. Been trimming the pecan grove and moving to the mayhaw grove today. Them things have thorns! Good morning future GRT. ...
You could remind us what the arguement was about. I assume it had something to do with Skenes....

re: GMT

Posted by jeffsdad on 5/26/24 at 9:08 am
Perfectly harmless. Maybe a worm snake, but idk. Round eyes, harmless. ...