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Registered on:8/22/2018
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[quote] I personally drive two under no matter where I'm at[/quote] [img]https://i.ibb.co/cyckzJQ/e6fcca13-b7be-4f9f-b628-5e150804705e-text.gif[/img]...
[img]https://i.ibb.co/f1jzXDN/o-P1hs-GHbfsg8e5-Aj-OTTRvt-CY2w6-Tjm-N7-Cdlw3tj-Mc-NA.jpg[/img] Guys that look like this belong on prison. Once you remove them from society, quality of life improves for everyone else....
Goddamn boy, that's the best you Gumps can do?...
I'll agree, to a degree. Hulk Hogan might be the most famous household name. And nobody has given more to the business than Ric Flair. But if I had to think of someone who completely encapsulated 1980s professional wrestling, a walking caricature of what it was all about, great on the mic ...
[quote]Weird how the hike in minimum wage is supposedly related to the hike in the cost of fast food, but the prices keep rising and the jobs keep disappearing.[/quote] It's completely baffling, isn't it? Hike minimum wage. Customer costs increase. Jobs decrease. Who could have seen it ...
I don't eat food prepared in the vehicle of an unlicensed illegal immigrant. Less chance of e coli or botulism with McDonald's....
[quote] You find 500k unaccounted for voters you start getting the necessary pedigree information and then fill out absentee ballots. You keep it hidden and use it, just like your opposition does[/quote] I don't think you understand how stacked the deck is. If Republicans did this, they would b...

re: Question about Ashley’s diary

Posted by Smeg on 6/4/24 at 2:29 pm
Supposedly 12. 12 years old with her naked father's dick in her face in the shower. ...
bullshite. I'm supposed to believe a remote tribe understands a written language well enough to use a keyboard for Internet searches?...
[quote]Gay people are different than normal people.[/quote] Wait a minute. The argument used to be that "Gay people are just like you. They just want to marry the same sex." Now you're telling us that gay people are inherently sexual deviants and perverts. Which is it?...
[quote]Cubbies won't like that one dang bit.[/quote] Didn't Cubbies frick one of those homeless bums?...
[quote]Long as the children aren't being abused it's none of my or your business.[/quote] You said a child reading the Bible is abuse but a child witnessing this isn't?...
[quote]He made his kids read that bible. That is child abuse as far as I'm concerned.[/quote] Consider changing your username to [b]Mindbroken[/b]...
Of course. And if he persecutes ANYONE it will be deemed "lawfare". Politically motivated "trumped up" charges....

re: I believe gay is real and ok

Posted by Smeg on 6/3/24 at 2:49 pm
I believe you, fareplay, are not real and definitely not OK....
I'm sure you could just provide a link to video with Trump saying "lock her up", couldn't you?...

re: Report from Charlotte and Bea...

Posted by Smeg on 6/2/24 at 12:57 pm
[quote]If it was somebody else on the Republican ticket other than Trump, they would vote for that person, no matter who, over Biden.[/quote] Why would they do that, if they already believe [quote]They think Biden is doing a great job[/quote]...
[quote]I love how the party that openly embraces nationalism accuses their opponents of being Nazi's. Almost as cute as when they call ANTIFA fascists. ANTIFA... which literally stands for ANTI-FAscist.[/quote] [img]https://i.ibb.co/vQWJBF0/7db7050630413a9304951a2835a05666296f8130f5891d2d4b...