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Location:Mountain NC
Occupation:HVAC Design
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Registered on:12/13/2018
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I thought CA had a huge surplus like 2 years ago. What happened?...

re: Google "bird flu"

Posted by AubieinNC2009 on 6/6/24 at 9:14 pm
[quote]And you'll see that the sorry motherfrickers are about to try another plandemic.[/quote] They didnt tell the CDC. Im not worried about 4 cases in 2+ years. Per there website: [quote]H5 bird flu is widespread in wild birds worldwide and is causing outbreaks in poultry and U.S. dair...
this is their motto: Our goal is to Grow Confidence and teach Real World Skills. No wonder this elephant won...
[quote]Little early[/quote] Isnt today the last day of opinions per their calendar?...
[quote]So I assume it wouldn't be a crime if someone beat that guy to a pulp, would it?[/quote] Not if you dont get any gratification from it....
My sources tell me that Russia will cut the feed to 80% of the competition and they are so good at it that no one will know....
the GOP will mess it up. Already screwing up Maryland with a very popular former governor that has a chance to flip that seat....
c'mon man dont leave out what he actually did, this isnt going after conservative media as you think it is. Seems pretty fraudulant to me trying to steal unemployment benefits. [quote]conspired with others to benefit himself, the media company, and its affiliates by laundering tens of millions...
you literally might be the only person on the planet not to say literally....
clean family friendly fun tha tis not pushing anything bad either. Their videos are entertaining for young kids and unlike Mr. Beast they dont have ABCs in their videos....
when is this going to come out that its the CEO's son or something pushing this stock...
how do government workers get royalties for something created in a government lab, with government funding, and on government time/pay? I thought they had to sign something that basically states anything they create on using government property/time is the property of the government....
I dont wish bad on anyone so all I will say is she should retire and focus on her health and family....
haha sucker I am safe here in the Appalachian mountains. Also your map is pretty dumb, it has Russia attacking bases that have been closed for decades....

re: If Trump does time in Rykers

Posted by AubieinNC2009 on 6/2/24 at 10:38 pm
are you hoping for a dictator? How conservative of you....

re: I just quit my job

Posted by AubieinNC2009 on 6/2/24 at 7:47 pm
[quote]d I'm sure they will come with an offer I can't refuse. [/quote] The worst time to offer someone a raise is when they are willing to quit. There is a reason that you were looking/talking for new jobs and the new company. ...
[quote]What country do you think Nikki Haley puts first?[/quote] Israel. I wish social media would go away, that would end a lot of this crap and photo ops...
Trump is all talk. Why didnt he do it 1st term, or the timeframe between election defeat and Binden's inauguration?...
[quote]loaf of daves bread,[/quote] Maybe done buy $7 of small loaf bread...