Favorite team:Southern Miss 
Location:MS Gulf Coast
Number of Posts:63587
Registered on:5/31/2007
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Since we can speak only in hypothetical terms now, what would've been your dance of choice with her? Dougie? Nae nae? ...
Dangerous to those who dare question the government, that is....
No. Seems like a strange thing to do and setting oneself up for a letdown....
[quote]Lets heckin go![/quote] Please stop trying so hard to make “heckin” happen....
[quote]Do they have free breakfast[/quote] Asking the most important questions....

re: Reaction to the Verdict

Posted by shutterspeed on 5/30/24 at 10:40 pm
[quote]The left is jailing people they don’t agree with.[/quote] You need to properly focus your anger. It's not just the left doing things. How many on the "right" took action to stand up for Trump?...
[quote]What's really crazy is a convicted felon can be the POTUS. How does that make any sense?[/quote] It makes perfect sense if you've considered the possibility of tyrannical power being wielded against a political opponent. ...
Hair transplants seem to have come a long way over the past couple of decades. They actually seem legit now. If you got one 20 years ago or so, though, then you were fricked and looked ridiculous....
The uniparty has expanded its attack to now include conservative supreme court judges. Soon there won't be any conservative judges (except for the token Roberts, of course, who can be counted to side with them) allowed to participate in any Trump-related cases. They're rolling every check and balanc...
Looks senior citizen-sy....
[quote]with Shea Sprague pitching Saturday against either Wofford or LSU[/quote] Cheeky UNC coach....
[quote]If Biden had control over the numbers, they would NOT be this bad. No one wants to run on numbers this pathetic[/quote] They're not that bad. They're actually worse. ...

re: playing the guitar

Posted by shutterspeed on 5/30/24 at 3:12 pm
Now... guitar tapping! :dude: [img]https://media.tenor.com/qe9Y9c8jKWsAAAAi/tapping-cole-rolland.gif[/img]...

re: South Carolina game

Posted by shutterspeed on 5/30/24 at 3:06 pm
K... keep us posted....
Don't underestimate having help with kids. My wife and I moved away from any family and had no help (both sides were equally worthless when it came to that anyway). It was HARD. At the end of the day, you have to work and make a living. But having a set of extra hands or two sure would've made thing...
This song went hard back in the day: [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGy5tp_CDU0[/embed]...
[quote]still fees for restaurants[/quote] Why would a restaurant think they should take a cut of that?...
[quote]I’m going to go sit through an hour class about not touching kids because you weird motherfrickers couldn’t stop touching kids and having Church hierarchy hide and/ or cover it up.[/quote] Do you really think they have adult volunteers working with children attend those trainings just for t...