Favorite team:Syracuse 
Number of Posts:22321
Registered on:1/9/2019
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He could have at least had Steve Miller do a cameo in the video....
The only time I’ve done this was on a music cruise. None of the bands I saw played the same set the next show....
She looks like Owen Wilson [img]https://wtfbabe.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/inherent-vice-22-gif-watch-the-film-wtf-watch-the-film-saint-pauly.gif?w=364[/img]...
Lol. What a banana republic kangaroo court farce....
No wife or kids involved, but I moved away from Upstate New York where I grew up when I was 21. Would never consider moving back and rarely visit nowadays. At this point, I’m basically a North Carolinian, seeing as that’s where the wife is from. Getting out of New Jersey and back to Raleigh/Durham/C...
[quote]He wasn’t on the base yet when contact was made. Clean call not surprised yankee fans throwing a fit though [/quote] He was on the bag ahead of contact. The fielder initiated contact because he judged the ball poorly and moved into the runner. Where was the runner supposed to go?...
I wish she would have went in a different direction than she did for pussy month....
An avenging spirit. It's essentially The Crow done as a Clint Eastwood Western. The two movies have a lot in common....
[quote]Ali is probably one of the best actors to grace the MCU[/quote] No he isn't....
First things first, the plural of wolf is wolves. Secondly, trailer looked decent....
[quote]Well, the MAGA's do sorta fancy him a secular Jesus. A political Christ figure, so to speak. He doesn't really have supporters, so much as he has worshipers or disciples. It's a fascinating cultural phenomenon. He's the first American politician in my lifetime who's managed to cultivate a ...

re: Family trees

Posted by Saint Alfonzo on 5/29/24 at 8:58 am
[quote]You know who all 256 of your 7th great grandfathers are? [/quote] I followed my direct paternal line....

re: Family trees

Posted by Saint Alfonzo on 5/29/24 at 8:38 am
[quote]Your great great great great great grandfather, although still in Bumfrick Europe , was kind of sketchy in his views. Please apologize to the nearest black person and transfer 50% of your wealth. Thank you. [/quote] My fifth great grandfather was fighting for the colonies in the American Revo...
[quote]My primary function on this board these days is to correct lies/mistruths and try to redirect people back to reality, while refusing to be a hypocrite and maintaining my values (so we can add honor into the mix). [/quote] What a pile of over-inflated, self-important nonsense. fricking clown s...
Top 10, maybe top 5....
I can think of two very good reasons to date her....
Old Bobby D is a great actor but a really shitty person in real life....
I figured I would give The Boys another chance. Grill day got rained out....
[quote]The entire game masters series was awesome!! Axis and Allies, Shogun, Fortress America, conquest of the empire!!! My dad, and brothers would have games in the summer that may last a week playing after dinner until 11-12 at night sometimes!! Awesome times!!![/quote] Me and a buddy of mine pla...