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Location:Centenary Gents
Biography:LSU grad
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Registered on:7/20/2007
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[quote]Jusr don't let her drive.[/quote] This goes for all women...
Honestly the biggest thing I learned today was his son Beau died while charging the beaches of d-day, and after he died he raised the flag at the top of Omaha beach. Here is Beau, third from right [img]https://duckduckgo.com/?q=iwo+jima+image&t=samsung&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwallp...
[quote]I am so upset with Kennedy, Scalise and especially Johnson. How about Cassidy?[/quote] He was only naming republicans...
[quote]The Israelis are incredibly racist and are awful to anyone who isn’t Jewish. They’re not a western people, they’re a middle eastern one, and their ethics are driven by their own sense of racial supremacy, and zero sum attitudes towards resources.[/quote] Assuming this is true, it that r...
[quote]Well this has transformed into one epic mini-melt [/quote] Sounds more like he is making fun of your dumb commie arse...
[quote]I'm excited to meet some of y'al[/quote] I prefer that we go get a burger and watch a ballgame , but if you prefer gas chambers that works too :lol:...
[quote]there will be no energy left to oppose them.[/quote] To the camps we will go, then...
[quote]Then how do they know they get paid less?[/quote] BOOM!...
[quote]Start with Priest[/quote] All priest? Or the 0.01% that are child molesters?...
To be fair, the question says "candidates", not Biden. Dumbocrats probably think trump is on something :lol:...
Didn't Biden sign an EO on day 1 (or close to it) getting rid of what trump did?...
The number of social security numbers distributed must have reached their magic number to win the 2024 election...
[quote]Trump has been found to have raped a woman [/quote] No he didn't you fricking liar. You are as bad as George stephanuptheassolus...
[quote]You seem to be confusing the question of "Is it her diary" with "Is the stuff in the diary factual". [/quote] The dozens of videos with Biden pinching young girls ripples are real...
Based on what he said I do believe he was murdered. Can't have people saying stuff like that...
[quote]Now those judges should do J 6 incarcerations[/quote] They are appointed lawyers within hours Now, they aren't allowed to talk to their lawyers, get medical care, see sunlight, etc. But they have lawyers....
You have to have a sense of humor to meme. You have to be intelligent to have a good sense of humor. Therefore, the left can't meme ...

re: WAFB's Totally Unbiased Reporting

Posted by ksayetiger on 5/31/24 at 12:34 pm
[quote]Nothing about that headline is incorrect and I'm voting for the guy.[/quote] So the "falsely claiming rigged trial" is true? ...