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re: 7 billion to build

Posted by jimmy the leg on 6/6/24 at 5:54 pm
[quote]Just remember folks. It was $5 billion that the Democrats threw a fit about for the southern border wall.[/quote] Paul Ryan and the RINO clan aligned with the Dems. ...
[quote]you tards will eat up bullshite with much less go on[/quote] Says the tard believing anonymous sources. Tool. ...
[quote]Maybe he didn't,[/quote] But you want to “convict” (disparage) him anyway simply because you don’t like him. You seem to have a lot in common with these people: [img]https://www.inquirer.com/resizer/B4uClwM7dt8M91eBmFfiD9XpF0w=/760x507/smart/filters:format(webp)/arc-anglerfish-arc2-...
[quote]"According to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day, [/quote] You are a pathetic person to spread lies based solely on (false) allegations. Then again, you are a goose-stepping communazi. ...
[quote]That’s why we think you’re pieces of shite. You have zero moral, ethical, or logical consistency.[/quote] frick off goose-stepper. You can eat shite you communazi. ...
[quote]Dont you think it's time to grow up put your big boy pants on star wars who gives a shite about star wars[/quote] Children?...
[quote]Yep, it was so bad that it totally wiped out reported cases of cold and flu for all of 2020 & 2021. [/quote] Didn’t the UK have zero cases for the flu? ...
I mean, you are a goose-stepper. You hating America is your normal. ...
[quote]didn't they have people testify they saw him sign those checks?[/quote] Whom? Links?...
Asymptomatic = False positives. They are nothing if not predictable. ...
[quote]most recently with a porn star[/quote] An allegation [quote]accused of multiple sexual assaults[/quote] By people that I would consider to clinically insane [quote]is on record saying you can sexually assault women if you're famous enough[/quote] I mean, not that I would appro...
[quote]tarzana[/quote] I thought that you were killed by climate change. ...
[quote]That opens up the avenue for the defense to attack his credibility in a new angle. It's not going to magically solve the problem but if they can show with good authorities that he was the one who actually had the affair then it discredits the rest of his testimony.[/quote] Again, just for ...
[quote]Think DDay[/quote] Does not equate to 2024. I’m not saying that it can’t be overcome, but it would be a massive challenge. Imagine going from debit cards back to physical checks. Could it be done, yes. Could it be done overnight, no. I would suggest that our military(ESPE...
[quote]Certainly don't disagree there if you're talking generally.[/quote] I was, I just did a poor job of stating it. ...
So they will be pretty much defenseless. That seems unwise imho. ...
[quote]Countries should fight for their own countries, instead of American men and women?[/quote] Fair enough. So if (when) Joepedo drags us into a hot war with Russia, are you going to volunteer to go? ...
[quote]Not exactly the pattern you're implying.[/quote] “History” implies more than just NATO. However, since I wasn’t specific, I can under the confusion. Here is a non-NATO example: The Gulf of Tonkin incident. There are many others. So yes, history does support my opinion (a...
[quote]“They’re digging mass graves in New York city”[/quote] I wonder if LooneyfromLA will show up in this thread? He was a major contributor to the propaganda that we saw on here at the time. ...