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Favorite team:Louisiana Tech 
Location:High Plains Drifter
Number of Posts:955
Registered on:9/3/2019
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]He thumps on his Bible to appeal to his constituents, meanwhile, his family is under investigation by the DEA for dumping opioids into the market. There is nothing noble about this dude, as is ALWAYS the case in this corrupt shithole of a state, follow the money.[/quote] You have a link? ...
[quote]Why not? What law in the state of Florida makes holding a gun in your own home while not committing a crime illegal?[/quote] Let me know how this works out for you if you should choose to do so, and report back with your findings if able. ...
[quote] There was a thread here recently about sex for fun vs. sex for procreation. Are we saying that every married preacher (Baptist, Episcopalian, Methodist, etc) only has sex for procreation purposes and never for enjoyment? B/c if they do... they are living in sin according to many people's bel...
[quote]Makes sense if you're a believer. Everything you are saying requires a belief in those tenets, so I guess that's where we differ. [/quote] You stated I’m not religious and believers are hypocrites. I gave an explanation of why they are not hypocrites. Then you stated it doesn’t matter wha...
[quote]So fat people, openly living in and flaunting their sin?[/quote] According to Roman Catholic theology, Yes. Sloth and gluttony (which lead to obesity) are 2 of the 7 deadly sins. I am not catholic but obesity is currently an epidemic in our country and Louisiana is leading the charge. Th...
[quote]I'm not religious personally, but to say they're "living in sin this way" seems hypocritical. Isn't everyone living in sin to some extent according to most religions? I'm closing in on 40, and as far as I've been able to tell, gay people are pretty much born that way for the most part.[/quote...
I have dealt with this for over a decade. Injections and PT have helped immensely. I will say though that I have had to start lifting smarter, not harder. I have also had this procedure mentioned to me by my current provider, is not covered by insurance and only performed on the cervical spine a...
[quote]Why is an 87 year old still in politics?[/quote] Great question. I'm pretty sure the system wasn't designed for you to be in office untill death. Both sides are guilty of this and a bill needs to be introduced for a cutoff age that excludes you from holding and/or running for office. Fa...
Still want move the needle on the WNBA. No, people are not going to shut up on how horrible the WNBA is either. Hell one of their most "prolific" players in league history went on record saying men should be able to play women's sports. ...
[quote]Wonder why this was anchored[/quote] Uncle Bert made a call....
Nepotism runs rampant and if you’re not in the click you’re not going anywhere. Ohhhh and measure twice and cut once. ...
I think that’s the last time he will jump. [img][/img]...
We need legislation, mandates and executive orders to make sure this never happens. ...
[quote]Not enough facts,[/quote] Random "esquire" post some random numbers and its facts? Come on brocefus. [img][/img] ...
This has to be a sketch comedy show? Has to be. ...
[link=(]Biden Drone strike[/link] [link=(]Biden Drone strike[/link] Right ......because protecting civilians are a high priority of the Biden Admin w...