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[quote] Penrod Okay, we are spying on Russia. Do you think they might be spying on us?[/quote] And again, this is what's so stupid about this narrative Huckster has sold them. In international relations, we might be able to be actual friends with GB, maybe France, Canada, a relatively few ot...
So my question is why would you accept what he says as fact, and your response is to post him saying it again. I know his position. Why do you think he's right? So what if the US crossed Putin's line in the sand? How does that automatically make us wrong? And what does it even mean in t...
[quote] Sure man, we should have subsidized the gas chambers that killed children by the hundreds of thousands. It was Hitler and Mussolini who were the good guys. And the Rape of Nanking? Come on, just some soldiers blowing off steam. And why oppose international communism? Wouldn’t it be gr...
[quote]You don't think Israel has gone overboard at all?[/quote] No. You obviously do. Tell us how they have gone overboard....
[quote]USA has been the bullies of the world for decades and we are now getting popped in the mouth because of it[/quote] Who is popping us in the mouth? And if you call aggressively advocating for American interests "being a bully," I hope we continue to be the biggest bully on the planet. ...
[quote]In the case of Ukraine, we are clearly the bad guys. We are the bully.[/quote] According to Jeffery Sachs, a professor of economics, former director of The Earth Institute, special focus on Climate Change. He's been saying "America Last" for 40 years. Why would you just accept his op...
"He's (meaning Trump) someone who isn't driven by policy or principle, he's entirely transactional." That is 100% true. However, in this context, so what? Why are Trump's reasons for weaponizing the justice system any worse than the Democrats' reasons? They want to pay dirty election trick...
[quote]Ben Carson has the personality and campaign ability of a wet paper towel.[/quote] One thing I am 100% convinced of given the last POTUS race. The VP makes no difference whatsoever to the ticket's success....
[quote]I’d love to see Canada twist in pretzels trying to explain how this is not ok for them.[/quote] I think we all would. And Trump would be accused of...something. Not sure what the narrative would be, but it would be something. Sure hope it happens....
[quote]The father should have taken off his clothes right there and spoke to the cop naked.[/quote] This. For the record, I don't think a child seeing a nude adult of the same sex is inherently damaging to his or her psyche. I've been in locker rooms where guys were walking around nude severa...
[quote]Maybe they have other plans for him. Justice? Chief of Staff? FBI?[/quote] I think he's slated for Grifter In Chief....
[quote]The government has been lying to it's people ever since the concept of government came into existence.[/quote] Yes it has. It's amazing to me that so many people in 2024 think anything they see coming from government is new. In fact, it used to be able to lie to it's people to a much...
Other than for purely nostalgic reasons or special circumstances, if anyone says they would rather go back in time and start living in 1971 than live now, they're lying. Life is so much more comfortable now than it was then for pretty much anybody in the US who isn't homeless, it's a no-brainer. ...
[quote]Literally everyone not in the cult has an anti-Trump bias. And objective reality has a STRONG pro-Biden, anti-Trump bias.[/quote] That's the greatest non-intentional confirmation ever. And you posted it without a hint of irony. Well done....
[quote] gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooberment[/quote] Every time I see this I know I'm looking at the post of someone who balls out rocked the Macarena back in the day....
[quote]It's a different world out there.[/quote] And everybody knows it, which is why instead of complaining that guy should move out of Oregon. Do we want federalism or not? It's the same reason I don't have sympathy for people complaining about what happens at government schools. ...
[quote]My feeling is that you will see the greatest checking out in thr history of politics. Trump voters will check out of politics like nothing you have ever seen.[/quote] I couldn't disagree more. No offense, but y'all are addicted to political conspiracy fear porn. Hooked right through...
[quote]I know this type of dealmaking is disfavored and often empty in the modern era, but it's how politics and government has worked for hundreds of years and in more sane environs might be how it should work.[/quote] It's how Reagan accomplished what he accomplished and it's also why Reagan ha...
Does that scare anybody these days? I'm just asking since so many people are doing it to themselves....