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Interests:Conspiracy Theorist
Occupation:CIH/CSP Retired DoE Contractor, Former Task chair in EFCOG, HPI Core Committee at Los Alamos Lab
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Registered on:10/29/2019
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And XI initiated the hug, after the handshake. HIGHLY unusual....
[quote]There will be no draft !!![/quote] Sure about that? With this President and Administration, I've come to expect some stupid shite. ...
[quote]This logic language, he claimed, would be used to prove the statement "1 × 1 = 2".[/quote] Not saying I understand but, try this. Take out your phone, or whatever device you would use and type in 1 times 1 and see what you get. I get 1 times 1 equals 1, every time....
When you live every day in unbelievable physical pain, which leads to emotional/psychological "pain" and the medical community can't prescribe significant opioids, due to the DEA cracking down on them, what do you do? Go to the streets and find some heroin? That is a death sentence in itself. ...
There has got to be more to this Ukraine shite besides muh "Democracy", or even our concern for THEIR borders. Something even bigger than the money. Something,,, ...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by LookSquirrel on 5/17/24 at 7:09 pm
OOooffff.., not a MEME. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnN1a8nNCwA[/embed]...
The cell that hit Houston was a supercell with a defined hook. The damage is consistent with a[b] derecho[/b], but also a tornado, or even straight-line winds! I believe it had tornadic winds under the rotating mesocyclone, without cyclogenesis!...
She doesn't look all that "Black" to me. I guess she can claim black privilege anyway....

re: If Trump loses..

Posted by LookSquirrel on 5/17/24 at 5:41 pm
I don't think a "Civil War" scenario would play out the same as last time, based on this old map of Trump country. [img]https://drrichswier.com/wp-content/uploads/RED-BLUE-COUNTIES-2-630x354.jpg[/img] :usa:...
The "Deep State Marauder" is showing his color-coded spread sheet with names and links to individual evidence of crimes. He says County Sheriffs will deputize ex-military, that were forced out, because of the vax mandate. Plenty of Red County/Parish DAs to prosecute, like the Trump "sham" trials ...
Disabled Canadian Man Celebrates Escaping being Euthanized by Government over Debts [quote]Amir Farsoud was due to be euthanized by the Canadian government’s “assisted suicide” program because he was struggling to pay off his financial debts. Farsoud said he was booked into to be killed under ...
Our senior "Diplomat" showing some serious moves, in support of Ukraine. [embed]https://twitter.com/TheInsiderPaper/status/1790470009694695924?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1790470009694695924%7Ctwgr%5E2a68c1cacad9d0af1c8352ab69a08a63d051793d%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%...
TPTB have a long reach and a nasty disposition....
Kind of like what Admiral Byrd said about his "alleged" meeting with those advanced white people living in that underground crystal city. Which was under the jungle with the Mastodons that were roaming around on the surface. One of the greatest conspiracy theory's of all time. How ironic th...
We also should have been building more refineries and fewer wind/solar "farms"....
Imagine that? The 5th largest Continet has mineral resources? Who knew? What's next? The Moon? :violin:...
I have one of those, so called, "Cyber Trucks" parked behind my house. Too embarrassed to park it in the driveway. [img]https://cdn.carbuzz.com/gallery-images/1600/654000/0/654047.jpg[/img] Maybe if I paint it purple and Trump gold? [img]https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/kM_ant_AFlqQAlYEszJ...