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Location:God's Country
Biography:Country Living is Good
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Registered on:11/7/2019
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Don't understand that part, but would it have any bearing on this situation?...
424K posts................you live in mom and dad's basement don't you and your income is government handouts. You speak with big words and talk above everyone else, and fool no-one in the process. Stop hiding behind your so-called intellect and act like a man for once in your life. And if you...
Honestly, it seems like about 80%+ of the country is already fired up no matter what! This is one of the biggest shitshows of all time. ...

re: Supreme Court Rulings?

Posted by Bandit1980 on 5/30/24 at 10:36 am
Asking you again: Do you support the Left or the Right? Just a plain, to-the-point answer is required....
Wrong........................................Cohen lied on his own. No conspiracy for 'independent' acts. But you keep trying, and while you're at it, why don't you just come right out and say the words "I hate Donald J. Trump", why can't you do that?...
SlowBlowPro, tell us exactly what felonies, as outlined by the prosecution, were committed?...
He needs to be placed under six feet of earth...............
Let me be clear....................Dems are ignorant jackasses. Heavy on the ignorant...............................
One lawsuit and it's over. And there will be one, at least. Remember Colorado and the Trump-not-on-the-ballot thing?...
Well, you're just an idiot. Now run along and play on the freeway youngun'................
Well that settles it............................................ Dems are now officially jackasses....
His children probably wish they had another daddy................I would....
There will be 4.7MM "Jose Garcia's" vote this time, all with the same SS number....
Does kinda make sense.............................the last-minute, hero, rush-in-and-save-the-day guy that will suddenly energize a few million ignorant jackasses................then go to the steal. Newsome is crap, Big Mike is crap, Jeffries is crap...........there is really no-one who can save...
Someone left the toilet seat up, unflushed, and low-and-behold....................................the biggest assortment of two-legged turds in history in one pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Don't you ever get tired of being the 'Pivot Man' in the Dems circle jerk? How's about you move to Iran, you'll fit right in dumbshitttttt....
While you're bringing up all of this "crap", let's talk about "crap" in a couple other places: 1) Biden's pants 2) Between your ears 3) Refer back to item 2 several times...
This is the "BEST" the Dems have to offer.........better than any Dem on this board or anywhere else for that matter. That means the rest of you are ultra-pathetic!...
Send the Rebel football team, new tackling dummies should cheer them up!...