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So Carville admits the Democrats can't win if everyone knows the truths. What 8 don't understand is how the Democrat voters are not pissed to the max knowing everything they have been told and read is just manipulation of facts and truths to get them to believe in something that is not real....
[quote]I would rather prepare my own food at home these days.[/quote] Same here but we will usually go to a taco or Mexican restaurant once a week. We started a thing unplanned where drinks are minimal if at all now, we don't order anything we can cook better at home, which is a lot, and then af...
I just saw that Trump is wheels up to Arizona, then I thought how much of an advantage Trump has over Biden now. Usually the sitting POTUS has a huge advantage because he get all the free media attention but with Biden, anytime he gives a speech or is on TV it just reminds everyone how feeble and ...
What is so funny about this weak attempt at "feel sorry for them" propaganda is that we have extradition agreements unless they plan to move to some sht hole country. ...
[quote]You find 500k unaccounted for voters you start getting the necessary pedigree information and then fill out absentee ballots.[/quote] This is one way to blow the whole voting fraud up that it will force a court mandate to secure the elections. So take the 500,000 illegal registrations and...
What makes this look even worse for Biden is that he is honoring people in attendance that are in their 90's and they are much more physically and mentally capable of him. These are men who made a much more grueling travel to get their than Biden, are standing in honor, and know what is going on ar...

re: Kimmel Show / Biden campaign

Posted by fwtex on 6/6/24 at 11:34 am
[quote]Who watches that shite show on TV or cares what Kimmel thinks? This should be a paid political announcement and treated as such.[/quote] My guess is the 25 people who show up to Biden events?...

Kimmel Show / Biden campaign

Posted by fwtex on 6/6/24 at 10:27 am
This showed up in my email today. Isn't this crossing the line for network tv and a political campaign? No problem with a network show having the guest but this looks to be an advertisement for a campaign event rather than a normal advertisement for a show. There seems to be a line crossed here. ...
[quote]Dr." Jill is the one that I find interesting. Any woman that actually loved her husband and wasn't power or status obsessed, would be pulling the plug on the operation. She just loves it more and more the less cognitive Joe becomes[/quote] Jill is in it to be Jacqueline Kennedy and Nancy R...
There are many clips of Democrats that can be used against them in all election campaigns. It seems those would be very cost efficient to run but for some reason Republican candidates never use them. They could also use the Republicans outspoken opposition to the so called inflation reduction bi...
It depends on who is judging whose intent. The Democrats seem to introduce new qualifiers in the pursuit to escape or excuse criminality of there own. For instance, Hillary Clinton ( who may be author of all lawfare) when confronted with her "alleged" criminality never denied her criminality. I...
[quote]Democrats and the media know this but they just want the opportunity to call Trump a felon between now and the election to help get Joe Biden reelected. [/quote] Yep. This is why I fully expect Merchant to impose an absurd prison sentence. He will do it to make the crimes and the convic...
Kind of interesting. It seems like these lawyers are part of a network of legal mercenaries for hire. Dark powerful govt influencers hire out these mercenaries to achieve an end goal and like the govt agencies, they operate on a whatever it takes to get what they want model. This is a whole new...
Isnt this the time for Republicans to start giving Biden voters cold hard truths? Biden thinks they are stupid and they need to be told that. For 3.5 years Biden denied there was a border crisis. Even the media told you Biden people there was nothing happening at the border. Now, 5 months ...

re: So Hunter will get convicted

Posted by fwtex on 6/4/24 at 5:25 pm
[quote]If you think Hunter should be locked up, you don’t believe in 2nd amendment rights.[/quote] Ridiculous stretch! The requirement to not be an irresponsible druggie is not a violation of a person's second amendment right. ...
Massive next question should have been, "where do the people go to prosecute an illegal govt act by the DOJ, when said DOJ is responsible for investigating and prosecuting said illegal act? If there own govt agency that is responsible for enforcing the laws, is breaking the law at the HIGHEST lev...
No one come close to what Rush did. All the current host fail to understand Rush unique attributes he provided. Rush would talk about what is happening, tell you why, and then tell what was the Democrats or whoever, next move would be. All the current host just talk about what already happened an...
Actually, it seems like this executive order gives an opening to Republicans to sue Biden Administration for a invalid executive order and CLOSE the border. There is an immigration law and what Bidens executive order does is change the law which he cannot do by executive order. By stipulating a ...
Question. What is the purpose of falsifying business record law? It seems like that law would have some basis of tax fraud. Certainly there is not a gotcha law for a bookkeeping entry that has no impact on government revenue, right?...
So much for the liberals cry that jail should only be used for extreme offenders. These nutjob judges let physically violent offender out but then lock up non violent offender whose crime is opposing a viewpoint. I don't know how this insanity gets fixed. Is it possible these judges are intenti...