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re: My Star Wars Prediction

Posted by AUCom96 on 6/7/24 at 6:00 am
[quote]Why would they deliberately damage the brand and lower the value of their plan is to sell it? [/quote] They’re not going to sell it. They’re going to make sure that when children growing up today remember “Star Wars”, any ties to traditional western tradition and hero building is forgott...
Get the molotovs ready, then, because Auburn is going to ho it up for every dollar it can get. If college football was all about greed before, quintuple it and multiply it by 100. ...

re: New Star Wars show has gone gay?

Posted by AUCom96 on 6/6/24 at 4:28 pm
Kill faith in God, kill faith in family, kill faith in law, kill faith in all cultural norms, kill heroes. Render the imaginations of future generations into vapid, self-absorbed, grey places driven by victimization and tribalism. Disney doesn't care that they're losing money. None of these ...
[quote]Funny how the right is trying to spin the traditional family unit of wife and husband as a neg. [/quote] Pinkos also passionate about infanticide just need to leave the "traditional family unit" out of their shite talking repertoire. ...

re: Biden Has An Episode in France

Posted by AUCom96 on 6/6/24 at 10:36 am
[quote]Michelle stepping in at the last minute is my worst nightmare[/quote] Yep, or the one who made the Obamas - Oprah - finally deciding to go all-in. ...
[quote]Full Metal Jacket: Keep R Lee Emery[/quote] I'm now picturing Sam Eagle bellowing out "Hell, I like you. You can come over to my house and frick my sister." and then punching Kermit in the stomach. It's certainly more entertaining than watching another DEI in a cape flick. ...

re: Kimmel Show / Biden campaign

Posted by AUCom96 on 6/6/24 at 10:30 am
Kimmel is a pure bitch. Nothing he's behind surprises me at all. ...

re: Bands with the Coolest Logos

Posted by AUCom96 on 6/6/24 at 10:28 am
[quote]A bunch of 6 foot 5 lesbians? No thank you[/quote] [img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/509/248/3dd.gif[/img]...
[quote]Haskin had me fooled since day 1[/quote] I was good until he started playing down recruiting and suggesting his vetting process and coaching up would negate talent advantages. Any coach that EVER says this in the modern SEC is a narcissistic fool destined for failure. Harsin turned out to ...
[quote]another tribesman, [b]Alfredo[/b] Marubo[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/JZE4KyUbU9AAAAAM/cry-tears.gif[/img]...

re: Question for the 35+ crowd

Posted by AUCom96 on 6/4/24 at 9:23 am
I committed to trying to find new music a few years back. It takes quite a bit more searching than when I was younger, but there's some good stuff out there. Good, not great. Modern music has a tendency to be very derivative, one note and lazy relative to prior decades, so if you grew up in thos...
[quote]Do you think there is a line separating those 2 concepts?[/quote] You trying to act like LEO is driving this thing? The other half absolutely has a big hand. ...

re: GOP not laying a glove on Fauchi

Posted by AUCom96 on 6/3/24 at 11:27 am
[quote]I hope not. Jersey Mikes is easily the best sub chain.[/quote] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a4/08/1c/a4081c7ee81c49e859c8355ccbbc7be0.gif[/img] Firehouse by a LOT. ...
Leftists find opposition and spend their energy “in opposition”. They don’t have the philosophical fortitude to support something unless in defense of their never ending victim complex. Trump was the perfect bad guy for this sort and for many republicans who seem to live to hate Trump without dis...
Planting them intelligence agency seeds, already....