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Registered on:6/22/2020
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re: Meet the new Miss Alabama

Posted by tadman on 6/6/24 at 3:20 pm
I would never make fun of someone that big as they cleary have a problem and need some help. The other side of that coin is that this is seriously unhealthy and could lead to cardiac and mortality issues. I have a good friend that just lost 240lbs and his doctor told him he will now live to see the ...

re: Kimmel Show / Biden campaign

Posted by tadman on 6/6/24 at 10:30 am
[quote]e I'm interviewing President Biden and President Barack Obama -- with special guests George Clooney, Julia Roberts and more -[/quote] Wow this would be a great time for that earthquake that drops Cali into the ocean. A total douche fest....

re: GMC Acadia? Looking for opinions

Posted by tadman on 6/6/24 at 10:03 am
I've rented a few and I don't love them. Much prefer an Explorer at that price....

Pet hair detangler

Posted by tadman on 6/6/24 at 10:02 am
Any thoughts on spray-on detangler for outside dogs? Mine are getting matts. Someone recommended Cowboy Magic but it's like $30-40/bottle which is nuts. Nothing in a bottle is worth that much unless it cures cancer....
[quote]"I think early on, people did take very definitive sides, and it did divide along party lines,[/quote] How did they not see this coming??? I mean during the greatest threats to our nation (revolution, civil war, WWI/2) we had nasty partisan division, and now we think that goes away due to ...
I can't hear yall over all the Mercedes and Airbus being made here, turn your morse code key up will you?...
[quote]Inquiring minds want to know why this is only an issue in the South?[/quote] Because "educated" white liberals love to use the south as a punching bag. Last week I was at a cocktail party with a bunch of wealthy Chicagoans that couldn't believe I lived in Alabama and acted as if it were a ...
I have friends that have lost children and it is absolutely horrible. One of the worst possible things that can happen in life. Also what are the odds these people were not tough on crime republicans and were at least partial supporters and voters for democrats that are letting this happen? Proba...
[img]https://media.tenor.com/ZU4VJOoQxfUAAAAe/happy-gilmore-gold-jacket.png[/img] Honestly who gives a shite. I try to take my cart back, I don't occasionally. They have paid staff that collects them ocasionally. Some days I grab one from the outfield and take it in. None of this is consequential...
SOcial media plus the companies that sell stuff to the attendees. Dresses, suits, limos... Bloody everything has to be a hallmark holiday. If you ask my dad (boomer age), his bachelor party was at a golf game plus a local bar in his home town, he borowed his dad's Continental for Prom, the honeym...
[quote]= one of the most politically conniving narrative engineers in media, George Stephanopoulos.... claimed, “of course, the attorney general of Manhattan has nothing to do with the Department of Justice.” Scharf replied: “I vehemently disagree that the district attorney in New York was not polit...
[quote]Well for one, high end cuts and burger aren’t really compatible terms. Too many people add too many toppings and condiments to make the meat shine. The highest I’d go for a burger is a generic ribeye that’s home ground. [/quote] This. If you want to splurge on a burger, get bison and add ...

re: Rental Car Suitcase Storage Ideas

Posted by tadman on 6/2/24 at 3:21 pm
In a Suburban (but not a Tahoe) you will be find for seven suitacases behin the third row. Seven large suitcases and seven carryons probably....

re: AOC the gift that keeps on puking

Posted by tadman on 6/2/24 at 3:18 pm
[quote]Her only redeeming characteristic, and I mean ONLY, are………care to guess?? [/quote] Dude head on over to The Chive if that's what you need to look at. Lots of mammaries that don't support parachuting into music festivals and killing everything that moves....
[quote]Has our resident ambulance chaser and ardent supporter of lawfare SFP chimed in on this yet? [/quote] He's out writing an amicus brief with Hank trying to get Fanny Wilson and her man friend out of hot water so SFP and Hank can then co-write a fan fiction romance novel and touch themselve...
I'm very pro-police but this cop should be out of a job and banned from holding a police job in Kentucky. It would set an example. You gotta keep your house clean....
[quote]One is a set of white Navigators and the other is a set of white MDX's[/quote] While a bit odd, neither cars are really cars that people buy out of passion for cars. To some of us it's just a utility like a toaster or sewing machine. I supose if my wife (no pics) and I had his-and-hers toa...
[quote]Hung jury? Can order new trial.[/quote] He can but a hung jury is as good as an acquittal for PR value. The only way this lawfare was going to work was a clean conviction with little chance for appeal. All they had to do was pick one really solid case and forget the rest. Perhaps in Georgi...
Either hung jury or guilty with succesful appeals. Merchan has made too many gross errors to just let this one skate. Merchan thinks that throwing the case to the prosecution will sway enough centrists/undecided regardless of appeal. That said the biggest mistake they keep making is punching Trump i...

re: They get me every memorial day

Posted by tadman on 5/28/24 at 9:00 am
[quote] Russia is less likely to go communist, and Germany is not hit with penalties and sanctions that made Hitler a viable and “necessary” element for change[/quote] Russian and Germany were screwed the minute they got into the war. Two cousins fighting each other out of rivalry and needlessly ...