Favorite team:Chicago Cubs 
Interests:Life's little mysteries
Number of Posts:12363
Registered on:4/22/2004
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She’s good in these committees but boy does she need to be more aggressive with such a condescending prick. I respect her restraint but you gotta let it go sometimes. ...
[quote]SS and Medicare are not “entitlements.”In your view... what are they?[/quote] It’s case dependent on whether it’s a retur/refund of taxes or an entitlement ...
What type of issues cause these planes to break up in mid air? That is my absolute worst nightmare ...
[quote] I reject your reality and substitute my own!! To hell with the facts and evidence [/quote] All he’s saying is that as long as more goes in than goes out which is technically true, then we aren’t borrowing yet to pay it..we just aren’t growing it or saving it...
[quote]Yes our kids do work year round, but everything you posted requires money and the horses to run it, which most normal high schools don’t have, which takes us back to my original point. Y’all need your own classification for all these super sport schools.[/quote] But it’s possible. Barbe ...
5 are committed including Schmidt from starting lineup. One senior is done playing and 3 juniors aren’t committed but I’d think they’ll have the opportunity to play at the next level. Their no2 starter is going to Loyola or UNO, can’t remember which one. They have another that signed with LSU as ...
[quote]can see both sides of this coin… can you? Also, where’d you go to high school? Tryin to see something[/quote] I went to high school that’s won very few state titles and probably zero in the big 3 over the last 30 years,was able to get destroyed plenty by dynasty level teams in north Louis...
They should star with a developmental league but alas… that takes money they need to be gifted ...
[quote]You’re mocking people and laughing at them for wanting an even playing field. Teams like barbe and WM need their own classification. ‘Normal’ high schools can’t compete with that. I’m not sure what the answer is, but somethings gotta change.. maybe considering playing a national schedule or s...
Why is it hard to understand why people want a nominal return on the money they were forced to set aside. Altruism aside, it’s completely normal to desire what you feel you’ve earned Some poll is only going to show what people want when asked, it doesn’t forecast the reality of what happens if ...
[img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/eT5pFwy2HHafj_qlylQCV2SotK4=/0x0:1200x657/1400x788/filters:focal(415x185:607x377):format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/56115107/DGu_g6AUwAACOjm.0.jpg[/img] A little gratitude may be in order as the alternatives are…....
[quote]Catholic had the best team money could buy!! They trying to be IMG Academy!! Hope they fall on their face[/quote] :lol: I’ve said it before but 4 starters were from one middle school. Probably another 6 from that same school are on varsity.. all the other starters I think were from...
Thst[quote]The proud black queen. The cuck white guy. The lib white woman.[/quote] The trifecta of enemies against Americas Soul ...
Sounds like his paranoia is going to get him some jail time or at the very least, a lot lighter in the wallet ...
[quote]It’s fun to watch the unsuccessful try to tear down the successful.[/quote] It’s funny because they just listen to what they’ want to hear or what they want to believe. 4 starters last night were from one Catholic middle school. One of the subs was as well. At least 2 others we...
Those old birds would probably be dead if it wasn’t for oil. ...
Back in the pre record everything and cell phone era, US forces would hold “Training Exercises” in these areas both in the US and Mexico.. there would be some “unexpected encounters” with drug cartels.. ...
He’s a hall of famer on the Mt Rushmore of LSU Athletes but he’s 90 years old and has never been one to be in the spotlight once he entered his private life. ...
Only when I was a kid did I believe it was caused by heat. We still called it that, probably because in the summer it just seemed you could see it so far but heard little or no thunder.....
Let’s be real. We are goi g to have to plunder our way out of this. It’s the American way.. there’s options on how this is done but our current course will devolve our government to ruin ...