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Location:Out and About and Making Groceries
Interests:Weeping Bitter Tears over the loss of our Freedoms
Occupation:Swam away from Isle of the Karens
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Registered on:8/27/2020
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Aren't US state gooberments required to follow the sixth amendment of the constitution and provide an attorney? I bet they'd have plenty of money for this if they'd divert funds from politician's pockets and prog-tard causes and use it properly. But I digress. Banana Republic are we. ...
[quote] but our embassies don't fly the flag in muslim countries[/quote] Our GOOOOOOOOOBERment is not afraid of offending rank and file, middle class, American citizens. Our GOOBERMENT pussy-foots around the dirty aloha snackbar rabble. :wtf: ...
[quote]this is 1000 times worse than anything Trump may have done to conceal his personal sins against his wife.[/quote] I bet the personal finance records of congress critters like Pee-Lousy and her ilk don't bear personal inspection. Insider trading, anyone? But "no one" is above the law....
[quote]This is there chance ...and they're going to take it![/quote] The insane power hungry bastards hate trump more than they appreciate a strong economy, no wars, and a secure border. There's no reasoning with those people. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/df/04/cd/df04cd01a2f84361b5730...
who the heck is downvoting this? TD has more trolls than a "free palestine" protestor's bum has lice....
[quote] Red states that could investigate her accounting?[/quote] Hildebeast would tell her sister in evil how to take care of pesky red state investigators. ...
[quote]Last year she & her husband purchased a multi million dollar mansion in Fla.[/quote] If a right wing public figure wanted property in a blue state I wager the powers that be would employ some useful idiot bureaucrat to stop it from happening. Not that any sane person would want to MOVE to...
[quote] I always thought you were a dude. TIL, you’re not.[/quote] Biological females DON'T like Trannies (except silly liberals)....

re: Yes, Jill. The Choice IS Clear

Posted by Mellow Drama on 5/29/24 at 2:23 pm

re: Yes, Jill. The Choice IS Clear

Posted by Mellow Drama on 5/29/24 at 2:22 pm
[quote] If really wouldn’t shock me if she was banging Hunter.[/quote] if Hunter went after his brother's widow and Joe showers with his daughter then nothing about the Bidens will surprise anyone. :yack: :yack: :yack:...
[quote]But if only four have to agree to find him guilty then how does that work. Who has ever heard of a case where only four jurors have to say guilty for a defendant to be found guilty.[/quote] we now live in lefty clown world. hung jury now means whatever the "judge" wants it to mean....
[quote]The most offensive thing in this thread is your use of the phrase “making groceries” You must be from New Orleans.[/quote] yep, trannies and illegal migrants are less offensive than a NOLA colloquialism . :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:...
[quote]But even Trump’s most ardent allies acknowledge they’re speculating at best—trying to read tea leaves. [/quote] ^^ probably true. I'd love a hung jury. Anyone not voting guilty will get drawn and quartered by the peaceful, justice-loving leftist mob. ...
have any pallets of bricks made their way to riot areas yet? lefty hellraisers are spitting on their hands and getting warmed up......
[quote]OK, I'm a Cajun. My grandparents made groceries.[/quote] [quote]Wait til they here how you have to save the groceries once you get home.[/quote] first you make a roux.......

re: I expect a guilty verdict.

Posted by Mellow Drama on 5/29/24 at 12:41 pm
[quote]I expect a guilty verdict.[/quote] I do too. [quote]This is, after all, New York. [/quote] Stupid leftists. :angry: [quote] can this appeal process work[/quote] The left is wasting Trump's time, money, and energy. Which is probably their intention. :angry:...
[quote]People from SELA come to this thread ripping OP for using a long established term for grocery shopping. What a fail by each and every one of you.[/quote] Thank you. Perhaps I shouldn't use colloquialisms when I'm trying to make the point that another conservative holdout suburb is being...
[quote] Who goes to grocery stores in person anymore?[/quote] Trannies, apparently. I almost started a thread about this dude who strode through the grocery store like a boss, forcing old ladies (who were there making groceries) to get out of his way. The dude was jibber jabbering in so...
[quote] People from NOLA use this term for grocery shopping.[/quote] :cheers:...
"making groceries" means shopping for groceries. thought this was a louisiana board, people!...