Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:cooking and cooking
Number of Posts:70
Registered on:7/29/2021
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For the cost of installing 3 more posts you end up with a beefier fence . It is straighter, stronger for minimal cost and effort considering he is using an auger. 14 foot 2x are generally straighter than 16s in this day of crappy lumber. ...
Space your posts on 7' OC. It is only three more posts in the 200 foot run. It will also keep the fence from sagging in between post over time. That is the best money you can spend. Plus you can get 14 ft 2x4s from a lumber yard....
I would just screw them from the backside. Just get the screw length correct....
[quote]Posted by lsufan1971 ? on 4/1/24 at 11:19 am to Jax Teller quote: An interesting thing regarding violent crime numbers is that the Biden DOJ no longer requires police precincts to submit statistics to them for Federal reporting. 32% of all precincts including NYPD, LAPD, Chicago, Miami, D...

re: Camera system for horse stalls

Posted by Maillard on 3/25/24 at 8:25 pm
So daycare for horses?Following.......
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/brqdGDCg/PXL-20240229-040009044.jpg[/img]Best breed ever! Nightmare when they're a puppy though....

re: Cajun Ninja almost goes full ninja

Posted by Maillard on 2/10/24 at 10:43 pm
Kaw pow. Ka poah.. not sure how to spell that and I know y'all are critical on the spelling and grammar. That's what happened to that guy though something like that sound....

re: Metal lean-to cost

Posted by Maillard on 2/4/24 at 4:07 pm
4 inch metal posts on concrete footings. LVL's for the beams. With a simple sketch the lumber yard can send to get the beams sized for the loads. ...
Their hands are soft. No welders hands are that ....paid actors for sure....
It gave hard earned money to companies that did not need it. They kept it. Because the government that you entrust and pay taxes to didn't require it back if you didn't need it....

re: .

Posted by Maillard on 1/3/24 at 12:37 pm
Much thanks. ...

re: .

Posted by Maillard on 1/2/24 at 7:09 pm
Where was this pricing from? ...
You have a sealing issue. Make sure yours doors and drawers close completely. The bottom freezer door got off tracks. ...
Venable terrazzo does excellent work and is in Baton Rouge. ...

re: The "Viral" Chicken Cobbler Recipe

Posted by Maillard on 10/18/23 at 8:50 pm
I was brave but added Nunu's to the top of the shredded chicken. I did use about 4 to 6 oz of onions. I enjoyed the celery soup as it added a different dimension to the flavor of not chicken pot pie. I normally mess up casseroles but I cooked his one for 90 minutes at 375. And the bottom was nic...

re: Home network cable routing

Posted by Maillard on 10/16/23 at 7:34 pm
Don't forget that there is fire blocking about halfway down the wall. You can buy a drill bit extension to get through it but only on an interior wall where there's attic height. ...

re: AM Mart Bread

Posted by Maillard on 10/14/23 at 12:26 pm
Not sure either. I do know that the crust will mess up the roof of my mouth once they press it. The crust turns into terrible slivers. I've quit eating them because of this. The sandwich is not that good not pressed. ...
Adding a bat or bay leaf to a pot of rice. So good....
My gas oven has a blower fan that exhausts the unit while cooking and cooling. I'll bet that gas units are expelling more heat during cooking and less than cooling vs a not vented electric. Oh, I am not an engineer nor expert in any field. ...