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Registered on:12/7/2021
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[quote]At least 6 people need to get their sarcasm meters recalibrated...[/quote] I tend to generally overestimate the intelligence of people. It has left me most disappointed throughout life....
That guy absolutely could have pulled this off because he had a bumpstocked assault machine gun with a pistol brace. He could take precise head shots from 2 miles away at 1000 rounds per minute with a rig like that! If that guy worked for the government, he coulda took out all those mad sexy violent...
[quote]raw milk ice cream from a local farm[/quote] Is this near BR? I’d be interested in the details....
[quote]You should try a natural ice cream. I don’t get the love for Blue Bell on this board[/quote] What brands fit the bill for this? Sounds like what I’d make at home....

re: Hot Springs Live Music

Posted by Semper Gumby on 5/27/24 at 10:33 pm
[quote]Have you tried to google for Hot Springs Live Music calendar?[/quote] Yes, but I’ve found that in most places I’ve traveled the calendars are not very well maintained. We end up missing some good shows although we comb through the community event calendars....

Hot Springs Live Music

Posted by Semper Gumby on 5/27/24 at 7:46 pm
Is there an active and up-to-date music venue calendar for the Hot Springs area for June? Are there any listening rooms or backyard venues that are flying under the radar?...

Hot Springs Live Music Calendar

Posted by Semper Gumby on 5/27/24 at 7:45 pm
Is there an active and up-to-date music venue calendar for the Hot Springs area for June? Are there any listening rooms or backyard venues that are flying under the radar?...
“Someone should have thrown a molotov cocktail in the middle of them.” A good old fashioned arse kicking would by my preference....
[quote]What appeals to those that want to live in Israel these days with surrounding countries and their radical beliefs? You know it’s dangerous and you still choose to put down roots[/quote] You may ask this question to any American with traditional values in 30 years the same question. The ans...
“I don’t want free, open borders either,” he continued. “I think you have to remove the incentives for people to come.” I think most rational people get this concept. The problem is we keep giving away the milk and honey to every taker....
[quote]It’s going to shock the shite out of those dorks when I throw them in the gulag[/quote] Or when they start to be executed for not working for a lukewarm bowl of water with a slice of potato after standing in the soup line for 4 hours....
I’d go with the erasing the 19th amendment. In that case all names listed would be completely unknown as related to US politics....
Just struck your budding shithole off the escape list for when I decide to move from my well established shithole....
The sad truth is they’re too stupid to realize that they really don’t want to live the consequences of what they think they want. Stupid people make life more difficult for others....

re: CHAZ is back baby!

Posted by Semper Gumby on 5/16/24 at 7:18 pm
Not that they’ll grow much, but I’d love to go roundup the whole thing with a pump sprayer after it gets going. Then dare them to make a fricking move....
They won’t do 12 years. Turks is just gauging how much $$$ they can shake out of the Americans. ...
I think they would have a tough time collecting on that deal. If they could collect on it; I’d let them have it over a 12 year prison stint....