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And if congress declared war (they would), biden get war powers. Can ration gas and power for the war effort....
Is the intent. Expect war, new pandemic, collapse of the dollar, food and gas shortages, riots, terror attacks, and migrant mobs all before november....
Ive boycotted for years, til i see a ftm on the fieled returning punts. Fair catches dont count....
American tax payer dollars->NGOs->Migrants....
Probably because each pandemic is already engineered. And HHS gets to pretend theyre doing something....
Exactly. Im not gonna let myself get bit just to show the dog was a threat. If the dog was loose, its her fault. She killed her dog....
Good catch. Added! Is just so many bulls**tters to keep up with....
Things I dont trust: UN WHO Israel Palestine NATO CDC FDA NIH DC ABC CBS NBC FOX...
[quote]Who's going to fight for the left?[/quote] Our own government, military, & migrants....
What happens if Christians need to protest in the future but the ADL says that protest is anti-semitic?...
They arent acting aggressive imo. Will come running like that if they think you have grain or range cubes for them. Would see head shaking if were trying to warn him off. Universal animal speak for no, is an almost grunted heh. He wasnt speaking their language....
No. Shes pointing out who runs America and how dangerous it can be when you oppose them....
A proud jew says the D Day Memorial Cemetery in Normandy didnt happen....
No. Enough Americans died for them in WW1 and WW2. Defensive weapons, iron dome, only....
A german once got rid of central bank currency, issued no usury national cash, and went from wheelbarrows of cash to buy a loaf of bread to the worlds largest economy in six years....

re: Dr. Birx talking about the jabs

Posted by THog on 5/10/24 at 10:15 am
No way msm starts covering it like this without nefarious intent. Speculating massive civil "unrest" and a presidential order is coming....

re: $400 million more for Ukraine ????

Posted by THog on 5/10/24 at 10:11 am
The goal is to replace the us dollar as the world reserve currency....

re: Gubment bioweapons, Y or N?

Posted by THog on 5/10/24 at 10:02 am
Yes I dont remember hearing of tick born red meat allergies, alphagal, in the 80's. And its a bit suspicious now since our gov wants to reduce consumption of red meat as part of a "sustainable" agenda. Alphagal is getting becoming common in the ozarks....