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Biography:Casting light at the sun with my wandering eye
Occupation:Ocean Man
Number of Posts:64
Registered on:9/9/2022
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[quote]If you live in Louisiana, you better stock up. Our overlords are trying to save us from ourselves again[/quote] This shite infuriates me, and I don't even like to partake. Tried the Urban South Driftee (5mg Delta 9 per can) a while back out of curiosity. 1 can definitely had me feeling it,...
AT&T cellular very spotty for me in Shenandoah area....
Turning actions into identities? What the frick, we have enough of that identity politic shite being shoved down our throats as is. Could you be any more retarded?...
[quote]“President Trump held a news conference Tuesday to celebrate the vaccine and credit his own work in making the advances possible”.[/quote] What does that have to do with a court ruling about FDA taking down their posts on ivermectin?...
Still? You are fricking nuts if you think this is it... I will never forgive or forget the absolute fricking insanity that transpired. I pray for true justice to be served to those that perpetrated it every day. ...
[quote]I prefer dads to be more active in their kid's life, so they don't get groomed and abducted. Ounce of prevention >>>> pound of cure.[/quote] Why not both?...
I started seeing this guy's name pop up a few weeks ago, making some 'controversial' statements, and I keep seeing him - it's kind of weird. I know nothing about him....
I've not done them but I would like to try. Most I do is take showers with the tap on cold, which in Louisiana summer that water is likely 70F+ so not very cold at all. The times I've done it when we've had a longer "cold snap" though, that was interesting - felt like I was getting brain freeze o...
Could be a fat absorption issue, but also try to not drink anything around 30 mins before or after eating. If you are eating liquified rendered fat, try refrigerating and letting it solidify first. As to fat absorption issue, I've seen people reference taking ox bile but I haven't looked into it ...
[quote]I gave up on America long ago..I just live here now.[/quote] You should see about getting a username change, TheMewlRestoredInBR....

re: This is a failure of parenting

Posted by TheMollusk on 2/27/24 at 7:38 pm
They're from the UK apparently, checks out....
I hate Kanter, but I just may hate that stupid count more....

re: Happy Twin Peaks Day

Posted by TheMollusk on 2/24/24 at 12:40 pm
I need to do a rewatch, it's been so long. Only ever saw the original episodes, is the movie or follow-up season worth watching?...
They didn't just make up a different phrase for what the protestors were shouting? Oh right, that didn't go well for them last time....
[quote]Antidepressants are bad too?[/quote] Yes. ...
Yes, yes. Please continue to trust the medical industrial complex and pharmaceutical companies, along with all the processed food companies that fund studies that magically interpret "data" to keep you on their Health as as Service plan! FDA surely has the nutrition guidelines in order! No conflict ...
[quote]Cholesterol isn’t a bad thing, statins will kill you[/quote] Not sure why you are getting downvotes except people don’t want to believe everything they’ve been told is a lie I guess. Eat fatty ruminant meat, stay away from or minimize carbs and avoid processed food, move around and lif...