Favorite team:Col. of Charleston
Number of Posts:17153
Registered on:12/2/2007
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[quote]Just one Yeti?[/quote] Hell yeah, those Yeti Coolers are expensive....
A lot of people need to be charged with elder abuse. The dude is one step away from [i]Weekend at Bernie's[/i]....
[quote]Poor Jill. The fact that she has to sit through this trial and watch her only step son fight for his life is just demoralizing.[/quote] Well, she’s a c unt that actively engages is elder abuse, so there’s that....

re: People with “Punchable Faces”

Posted by ZZTIGERS on 6/4/24 at 4:15 am
Joel Osteen [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTDHX58NOSCrcQYznaoJHTrgPS74ryvkxZLpQ&s[/img]...
[quote]stealing someone’s property and defacing it is not a protest dummy[/quote] It was 4 years ago. What’s changed?...
[quote]Seems crazy she wouldn’t just retire why spend your last few days of good health still working at 74[/quote] That’s my thinking for any 74 year old in general, enjoy life. But particularly if you have pancreatic cancer....
[quote]DawginSC[/quote] Is it true that the lethality of it is because symptoms usually don’t show up until stage 4?...
Unfortunately for her, she hasn’t got long. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most, if not the most lethal cancers. The 5 year survival rate is something like 10%-15%, if not lower. I’ve read it’s so deadly, is because symptoms don’t start showing until stage 4. Please feel free to correct any misi...
[quote]Straight couples visiting on Wednesdays get a 15% discount on their tab.[/quote] If women can have Happy Hour, then why not the straights?...
[quote]He was also in the Seinfeld finale. He was the one getting carjacked.[/quote] Never realized that, just watched it… :rotflmao:...
African Americans around the world delight....
Top 5(probably 3 shows of all time) I frickING hated Bill Rawls though. Absolutely necessary character, but just a detestable fricking human being. Definitely not “Natural Police”. He should’ve been killed....
[quote]Another favorite of mine is Jeff Allen[/quote] Gonna check him out. Thanks!...

re: Slump busters

Posted by ZZTIGERS on 6/2/24 at 6:29 pm
I’m here for the Epstein tapes.[img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/mKKuHx-zR5wAAAAd/open-chair.gif[/img]...
Brian Caubarreaux has an office in Lafayette now, I’d be shocked if he doesn’t pull in 1MM+/yr....
She should’ve just done like that c unt and said she ain’t answering any CC questions....