Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Location:Woodlands, Texas
Biography:UK bball fan and Aggie football fan
Interests:Fucking hot girls, watching the Aggies dominate LSU in whatever sport
Occupation:Professional Strength Coach
Number of Posts:2449
Registered on:4/1/2023
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]She burnt that Diddy coal so no thanks.[/quote] She also burnt Wesley Snipes coal in Money Train :lol:...
It’s ironic because any schmuck on here would give away half of their savings if that meant being able to frick her. Affleck is one lucky bastard...
[quote]Dah group of menz dat car bout eech udda[/quote] You’re speaking the lango of the average LSU football player. Great job!...
[quote]My SIL pitched for LSU. Knowledgeable guy. About six weeks ago he said A&M was his pick to win it all.[/quote] Your SIL is a very smart man. ...
[quote]Damn sure not the [b]hottest[/b] team in the SECw either. [/quote] I see what you did there lol...
[quote]It would be par for A&M sports to lose to a terrible whorn team.[/quote] Losing to the sips would be pretty devastating to say the least… because it never happens ! ! !...
[quote]Would be hilarious if we still beat you.[/quote] You wish...
[quote]do you even monster milam[/quote] Do you even Gig Em bro?...
I mean, we’re 45-14 and still a #1 seed. Sips aren’t shite this year, getting past them shouldn’t be difficult....
[quote]You can’t fall for this BS thread…[/quote] You don’t sound like you’re a true Texas A&M fan…...
[quote]Yep. People who create alters and shitpost do sound pretty gay.[/quote] [quote]CGSC Lobotomy[/quote] [quote]Number of Posts: 80630 Registered on: 9/28/2011[/quote] Post less....
[quote]Shirley you can’t be serious[/quote] [link=(https://giphy.com/gifs/simongibson2000-leslie-nielsen-shirley-dont-call-me-l0IpWb9lubThJq2wo)]LINK[/link]...
[quote]Hope y’all make it there and don’t lose to a lesser ranked team.[/quote] Hopefully we’ll meet you guys along the way. Corndog vs Aggy will be one for the ages...
[quote]The team a weaker LSU team beat like a cheap rug? Yeah, greatest of all time. Get that trophy ready. [/quote] [link=(https://www.espn.com/college-sports/story/_/id/40239132/texas-baseball-national-powerhouse-grand-expensive-vision)]LINK[/link] [quote]In College Station preparing for the...
[quote]The frick are you doing jumping into a river then? Shoved is one thing, that’s a shame on her.[/quote] Apparently the blonde streamer, Natalie Reynolds, asked the fat lady if she wanted to jump in the lake for $20...
[quote]I read your article, and now I am eager to know what Generation Z is? [/quote] It’s a video bro ...
[quote]Looked like the other 2 people who weren't part of the film crew were coming to help?[/quote] They were but then decided to bail. This incident took place at Austin during the Scavenger Hunt...
[link=(https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/s/IR5tvEe6Yt)]LINK[/link] This 1 minute and 32 second video encapsulates everything that’s wrong with Generation Z. A self-absorbed little twat of a social media influencer convinces an old lady to jump in a river on a dare. The old lady says s...

re: This country is forever changed

Posted by JasonDBlaha on 5/30/24 at 7:05 pm
[quote]I hate anyone who lives in NY state. I know there are a lot of decent people up there but they let the crazies poison everything. [/quote] The entire voting base of NYC can go frick themselves. Nothing but a bunch of materialistic, pompous and self-absorbed douchebags. The people there are...