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Registered on:7/16/2023
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[quote]Has a major 1983 case before deGravelles which he filed two days late for no reason[/quote] He used to be a majorly disorganized mess who made silly, easily avoidable procedural screws ups often. Glad to see nothing has changed in ~10 years haha...
[quote]Jarrett Ambeau is an underrated criminal defense attorney[/quote] Hey Jarrett! Member when you showed up hungover in a neck brace to an appearance before Judge Holdridge down in Gonzales? I member…...
[quote]small-dicked loser[/quote] [quote]lsu777[/quote] Ah, a veteran of the Health/Fitness Board, I see....
You know what pairs well with a Rt.44 Cherry Limeade? A large side order of fig bashin!...
[quote]Kid didn't even try for a scholarship, dropped out of college his freshman year. Moved to Denver where he's a bar tender and enjoying smoking and toking[/quote] The likely outcome for the son of every baw in here pushing them to play travel ball....
[quote]Bears? Wtf!!![/quote] Code for gay sex with other travel ball dads...
[quote]He just learned to read. He's still adding and subtracting with the visual aid of those red sticks.[/quote] On second thought, probably better to keep him involved in sports. A white collar job is not in his future....
[quote]people lots of times are paying for prestige/status/ and clout when sending kids to private schools.[/quote] This is bigly true in south Louisiana. Not so much elsewhere. People down there list their high school on their resume 10+ years post graduation ...
I know a couple who regularly sells plasma to afford their daughter’s softball equipment (bag, gloves, bat etc.) Dad is a plant manager, mom is an “administrative assistant” in Huntsville. He drives a Sierra 1500 and she’s got the Yukon Denali. It’d be hilarious if it weren’t so sad....
[quote]He's fricking 6. You are definitely one of "those" parents.[/quote] Poor little guy just wants to come home, sip a juice box, work on some multiplication tables, and catch an episode of Bluey before bed. Nope! Get your arse in the backyard for hitting practice! Your daddy’s got insecuri...
Sounds like you’re both preparing for doomsday, just in different ways....
To quote Tony Soprano, “this seems very gay.” Also [quote]Light and Sound competition tonight[/quote] LOL...

re: Count of Monte Cristo - 2024

Posted by SouthPlains on 5/29/24 at 9:34 pm
[quote]there’s a certain something lacking[/quote] Maybe some of the dialogue? Particularly Mondego’s, who is a bit over the top villainy. The actor who played Villefort was excellent, easy to hate, and gets one of the best scenes in the prison chariot. Also, in the book, Edmond’s former frien...

re: Favorite mystery/suspense film?

Posted by SouthPlains on 5/29/24 at 9:25 pm
[quote]Running Scared with Paul Walker is very underrated[/quote] You and I might be the only 2 people who have ever seen this movie haha. Other than PW’s accent, fun movie. Vera Farmiga is smokin’ hot in an odd kind of way, and the ice rink scene is quite tense....
Unless it’s a status thing, “go with what you know” isn’t the worst approach in the world. Same dealership, same service schedule (probably), same parts, you pretty much know what to expect....
10 years ago, as a single guy fresh out of school, I was making $48k. I didn’t feel like I was killing it, but I wasn’t hurting. It also helps that I just worked, came home, went to sleep. Maybe ate out 2-3x per week. If I had any kind of social life at all, maybe I would have felt differently. ...
[quote]what the hell happened[/quote] “WFH” - BabyTac “The Vax” - Strannix Real answer is our lifestyle became more sedentary on average, our food quality is shittier, and that goes along with the general slowdown in metabolism and other associated things with aging. Body composition is al...
Let’s start a petition for George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates to be on the maiden voyage....