Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:514
Registered on:10/7/2023
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[quote]this isn't satire holy shite [/quote] Just another ignorant person. Try checking out all the things he foretold was coming, not by guessing, but by reading stuff no one else does. So, if he tells you 20 years ago they have farms where they are harvesting human organs by growing them ...
[quote]If you're curious why the right keeps getting there asses kicked at the polls, it's because you guys think Alex Jones is the victim and the families of children who were murdered in a school shooting are the enemies. People who defend Alex Jones are going straight to hell. No discussion, s...
[quote]No respect for either of her parents. I'm sure she's awful but they were publicly warring over Trump in TV spots while she was publicly engaging in cries for help while still a minor [/quote] Thats on her fat husband, when yr spouse has a job with the President, you keep you fat mouth shu...
Disagree, we had a very good hitting team this year, the one starter who went down killed us overall, we just do not have the back up arms. Lost way too many 8-7 10-9 type games, the batters lose hope after a while, they knew the pitchers would never get us four wins in a row after the opening loss....
Makes ZERO SENSE, walk the guy where you can play are Double Play Depth at 2nd and Shortstop !!! Geeze, baseball 101. :rotflmao:...
You are the Cult, you abortion loving pedophile loving clowns in the Dem party are what a cult looks like. You think anyone cars about a rigged outcome in a court in New York. Maybe you, a Dem goofball. Keep calling us names you clown, we are tires of your BULLCRAP...
These Dems and the9r Media do not understand they are merely EXPOSING themselves for the Authoritarian Commies they are. This Judge was CHOSEN, these Jurors in my opinion were already selected ahead of time. The judge broke so many laws the case will be overturned, this was pure Election Interfer...
He needs to shut up and go away. He was too big a coward, like Turley, to tell the truth, the 2020 Election was stolen, thus we get despots like this Judge who needs to be jailed....
IMHO, if they placed this judge, they PRE PLACED the Jurors also. These people are evil personated. These clowns need to have the NEW DOJ knocking down their doors after Trump wins. Merchan and Bragg need to be jailed under conspiracy laws, a conspiracy of Election interference, and a conspiracy...
That's easy, it was the managers last year, he's retiring. That's how the cookie crumbles...

re: Negro League stats to count

Posted by TTOWN RONMON on 5/28/24 at 5:17 pm
So, dumb, glad I quit watching in the 90s with all the BS Homeruns. All the BS extra inning crap of placing a man on 2nd base is also a joke...
Thats not quite true, as a 3 you might play a much better seed than as a 2 seed. So, you would have a better chance of losing. You are thinking OVERALL, I get that. But seeding is seeding. ...
Fine college, had a bad guy running it 20 years ago, someone like Musk should help them out, I am sure this 15 minutes of fame would boost the enrolment. ...
Might be kin to me.........Good last name :cheers:...
[quote]OP ran out of fingers. [/quote] He should have used "Capitan Winky" :rotflmao:...

re: Tide Hoops | Offseason

Posted by TTOWN RONMON on 5/24/24 at 12:21 pm
With the foreign influx of players starting in the late 8s and early 90s its much harder for "good" USA players to get drafted in just two rounds. I always thought they should have bumped it up to three rounds, but the teams just want to sign free agents with minimal pay outs, that far down, which ...
On one site we are paired with #7 Oklahoma, so that means overall we are around the 7th best three seed, they can move you up and down a wee bit to dodge other conference members at times, but lets say they see us as between the 6th to 8th best 3rd seed in the regionals overall, that means we are no...
Since Football players are being paid, they ought to be taken off of the Scholarship numbers, just pay each an extra dollar amount that covers tuition, then they have to "pay for their own tuition" wink wink. That solves that, or all the football players can claim to be named Susan, or Tamika :lol:...