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Registered on:11/30/2023
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[quote]Who's the flaming tart that downvoted this?[/quote] I wish you could see who upvotes/downvotes. Id bet a pretty penny one or more of the serious TDS cases on this board is a secret gay. Look what TDS did to Drudge...
[quote]Thankfully they set the precedent with Trump and his family, so they've already shown it's good for the goose. The pendulum swing back is a motherfricker.[/quote] I hope when Trump wins he feigns an olive branch...and then goes Godfather on every single enemy...
[quote]I'm still on board with having universities pay out of their own endowments.[/quote] Id be fine with taking 100%. Universities are the greediest orgs on the planet...
[quote]Yep, Candice thinks Israel is committing genocide. Do you?[/quote] You are an dishonest imbecile ...
[quote]Opinions are usually backed by something, unless you're a blithering retard. Are you a blithering retard? No? Then wtf are you basing that opinion on?[/quote] No im not playing your stupid game. Anyone that has any kind of opinion on Daily Wire is well aware of the shite show between ...
[quote]Mocking content has better writing[/quote] A lot of it is quite entertaining imo...
[quote]quote:Ben would effectively destroy the Daily Wire if he said what he really wanted. Source?[/quote] Thats an opinion you simpleton. I dont have a magic mguffin to test out alternate scenarios and realities...
Free thinkers are very dangerous. Cant have anyone questioning the narrative...
Ben would effectively destroy the Daily Wire if he said what he really wanted....
[quote]She and her merry band of morons stormed in, injured a nurse and formed a blockade. That’s patently illegal. She’s not being punished for her beliefs, but her actio[/quote] And if BLM agitators, and leftist protestors were being punished like this, I wouldnt make a fuss about it...
[quote]Won't watch but will watch 12 hours of mocking Youtube content[/quote] ...
[quote]Regardless of the overblown Covid hysteria, he is absolutely correct that we should make significant preparations for the possibility of a future genuine pandemic.[/quote] They shot their wad already. If there ever is a real pandemic that hits again, nobody will listen to those people...
[quote]So you're saying Trump was an inept leader that couldn't make his own decisions? Basically a pawn of the Deep State. Got it. You should vote for him again.[/quote] No but he certainly made some mistakes. Yall act like there are other options to choose from. I cant vote for JavIer Mili...
[quote]So please tell me why the average Joe citizen is still spending and traveling like they are fine?[/quote] Credit card debt and optimism that their financial situation will improve is my best bet...
[quote]The inflation we have experienced the last 3 years is BOTH Biden and Trump's fault. One started it the other kept the fire going.[/quote] Laying all the blame on covid spending on Trump truly is some epic revisionist history. If one believes Biden truly won(which I believe youve put yourse...
If im thinking averages of someone who loves alone and owns a 200k home: [quote]Rent/Mortgage [/quote] 1350-1850/mth [quote]Car Payment[/quote] 200-400/mth [quote]Groceries[/quote] 500-800/mth 24k-36k/yr on the most basic necessities After taxes are taken out of 50k, you are ...
The Tea Party never actually accomplished anything noteworthy. They all went to DC and the status quo reigned...
[quote]for those wondering what kind of gains can be made, i suggest looking at the explosive mechanics insta page and seeing the freaks Jared produces if you are interested in training athletes, his podcast, zac goodmans podcast, along with defrancos old stuff from start of podcast are great start...