Favorite team:Michigan 
Number of Posts:46
Registered on:3/19/2024
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[quote]The pendulum is swinging back the other way. [/quote] in some states it is. in others, it's still going left, EXTREMELY quickly ...
[quote] Most prime time NFL games have 20-30 million viewers. Do you honestly believe that these games will have less viewers than that? I’m willing to bet it would be at least equal if not greater, particularly if the teams have good records and the games are good. [/quote] [quote]83 million ...
[quote]This thread is a stark reminder of how many boomers are on this board [/quote] if a 34 year old is considered a boomer, then you're absolutely correct ...
[quote]There are 83 million Netflix subscribers in this country. I'm pretty sure anyone who watches NFL football already has Netflix. [/quote] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/3oz8xLd9DJq2l2VFtu/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9523dtc3lz2z7n5zqenvzb9lmjyj3v3yosrnyqn30mc&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct...
[quote]You underestimate how many Netflix subscribers are in the US[/quote] you overestimate how many current netflix subscribers are actually NFL fans and will watch those games. I don't have concrete proof, but i'm willing to bet a LARGE contingent of netflixers are stay at home moms and t...
[quote]Crazy that billionaire NFL owners expect the cities to foot the bill for their toys. [/quote] i mean, I don't blame them for trying. it's good business to not tie up your own funds and leverage the money of others, so that you can buy income producing assets with your own i blame the c...
[quote]Jeremiah Smith.[/quote] hasn't played a down of CFB ...
[quote]Cool. Michigan lost Harbaugh and Minter, and will likely be starting another Joe Milton at QB. Good luck.[/quote] harbaugh wasn't even the coach for half of the reg season, including the OSU game, which UM won. and minter's replacement is the OG of the Ravens' defensive scheme, so I don't...
[quote]Barring injuries, I highly doubt they lose to Michigan this year. They're loaded and Michigan is in transition. [/quote] OSU lost harrison, both starting LBs, another WR who transferred to PSU, their QB, and will either start either a tr fresh QB or transfer from kansas st, and got bamas c...
[quote]Yall are forgetting that NIL benefits the donors as well. The more money you commit to NIL, the more favorably you and your business are looked at by the community/the school/the state government etc etc. People like you and like your business when you are bankrolling the star players. T...
[quote]Where do you suggest they move the Holy Land to? [/quote] wellll, they shouldn't have been imported there from all parts of europe and forcibly removed hundreds of thousands of native people who were living there in the first place that's the root cause of the issue ...
[quote]Because it’s our Christian duty to Israel [/quote] :rotflmao: [img]https://scontent-iad3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/57348200_2618829971467467_9030792643969286144_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=1blMzqo8D2cQ7kNvgGt0ArT&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.xx&oh=00_AfBt1E63OSsVfV02Jjk...
both of those prosti--i mean girls are on OF. no, i don't have an account. they've been on several podcasts and dating shows and are open about it ...

re: t-Official 2024 NFL DRAFT Thread

Posted by Smoke90 on 4/27/24 at 12:29 pm
how many guys from oregon have been drafted so far? seems like quite a few ...
[quote]People.are making too much about his age.[/quote] yup if he can give you 8-10 solid years, him being a couple years older is irrelevant. obviously, brady is an extreme example, but even matthew stafford is in his mid-30s and playing at a pretty high level now, penix's health is a ma...

re: Nah F Reggie Bush

Posted by Smoke90 on 4/25/24 at 6:00 pm
[quote]getting side money or car isn't cheating on the field. [/quote] but that enabled USC to get him in the first place. that's the issue. without the promise of money/gifts/illegal promises, he may not have attended USC ...
[quote]How in the actual frick does anyone “capture” a US military installation anywhere on earth and hold 1,000 American military personnel captive? [/quote] by surrounding that base with thousands and thousands of their own military personnel and/or cutting off electricity/water/wi-fi/essential ...
[quote]Why are you linking Twitter instead of embedding Twitter? [/quote] why are you calling it twitter instead of 'X?' seriously though, is it now possible to embed twitter posts? it wasn't an option before ...
[quote]Can someone tell me why conservatives are so strongly opposed to Ukraine aid? I'm just baffled by this. Do you guys really have no pity at all for Ukraine? Note that I'm not some bleeding heart liberal, I am a conservative too but like, come on Ukraine is fighting for it's survival![/quote] ...