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Registered on:2/18/2008
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[quote]Breakfast: Overnight Oats, Blueberries, Cinnamon, Scrambled Eggs Lunch: Jasmine Rice, Ground Chicken, Turkey, or Beef with Veggies/Peppers Dinner: Salad, Pasta with olive oil, whole grain turkey sandwich Post night workout casein shake with banana[/quote] not near enough protein...
[quote]But my experience is as soon as you stop the diet, like really quickly after, it all comes back. It isn't permanent. Maybe that just my body.[/quote] Its just because you went back to eating more calories. When you were on carnivore, you just ate less, mostly because you were more satia...
[quote]Are you 5’ tall? Yikes on a guy with a 32” waist.[/quote] the frick? :lol:...
yes, this idea that giant corporations are the ones buying all these house is completely false its mostly small investors [img]https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/_A9MVGNH10QMqtZUzmxrPmU7sTYNagEQZJu5cOKrhpmS8gNhMEris5SF3DwAkNDCp9V2bedLE-b1KsLfm087et79sNiQPQ5SSgfxgbeyyXuRPISwpdmu29IgPsOJHfJzL...
[quote]But it also has some potentially major remediation issues if DEQ/EPA ever decide to come a knocking[/quote] anyone with a brain would do a Phase I ESA on the property and any issues would need to be remediated before purchase by current owner or operator or the price of remediation would c...
[quote]I don't drink any. Just terrible eating habits. I'm trying 30mins hard cardio each day.[/quote] - prioritize protein - calorie restriction - replace the cardio with weights you will look like a new person in 6 months ...
[quote]Any baw took drastic measures to lose that gut[/quote] a lot of guys divorced their wives...
Individuals are moving but don't want to let go of their low IR, so they rent their home instead of selling I'm considering doing it :dunno:...
well I'm about to go to Costa Rica with 10 other couples for a week we shall see if the swinger lifestyle has infiltrated my friend group me and the wife already have a bet that at least 1 divorce comes from this trip ...

re: How does the MCU get back on track

Posted by Salmon on 5/15/24 at 3:21 pm
[quote]How does the MCU get back on track[/quote] take a 10 year break ...
[quote]What exactly was wrong with cable again?[/quote] so you would save like $20 with cable? ...

re: We need an August holiday

Posted by Salmon on 5/15/24 at 2:53 pm
September sucks as well, but we at least have football. And generally the later half of September, we get a little taste of what's to come. August has literally nothing....

re: We need an August holiday

Posted by Salmon on 5/15/24 at 2:47 pm
We can't have a holiday in August. Labor Day is the sign that the end of the worst month of the year has arrived. If we put a holiday in August, it will taint Labor Day. August is for suffering. It makes everything after better. ...
are you asking that when my wife comes out in a dress that looks like a potato sack if I lie and tell her she looks great? yes, yes I do ETA: please stop with this shite women [img]https://media.everlane.com/images/c_fill,w_3840,ar_4:5,q_auto,dpr_1.0,f_auto,fl_progressive:steep/i/b3d0fd...
the 5th Shreveport hate thread this week? damn ...

re: What work from home has ruined?

Posted by Salmon on 5/15/24 at 12:34 pm
as a C suite executive, you should put an end to the nonsense ...
Sorry you couldn’t afford to fly private ...
Never had an issue flying out of Shreveport. It’s super easy. Never any lines or waits. It’s small so everything is right there. And I think you are lying about outlets. But hey we got another Shreveport hate thread this week, so let’s keep that going. ...
We have concrete countertops in our kitchen. They were the only thing we hired out. They are solid 2 inches thick. They have held up well, but they show signs of wear after 14 years. It’s more of a rustic look, so just be sure it’s what you want....

re: It's the carbs bruh

Posted by Salmon on 5/13/24 at 3:21 pm
[quote]I am surprised at the number of downvotes on the OP. [/quote] I'm not, especially when you start with this nonsense [quote]I think we'll live to see the final demise of the CICO (calories in, calories out) model of weight gain/loss.[/quote] [quote]If you have tried the carnivore diet...