Favorite team:Houston Astros 
Location:TigerFred's Living Room
Number of Posts:59615
Registered on:9/26/2003
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Effing gypsies. All around scum. Passing it along to younger generations to ensure the earth will always have human parasites....
This was one of those crazy shows that fell together to be an epic show. The bucket pulls were bad except for the "steve" joke. But how the whole Drew thing came together was hilarious and he kept dropping in. And WTH with Riley? Drew can die a happy man....
[quote]Bregman is still hitting 4th. Pena and Meyers are hitting behind him. Whatever.[/quote] It's ok, we have the 9 hole covered....
Spaghetti throws ok, we get no run support. We get runs, pitching has a disastrous inning. The story so far of 24 Astros. Surely they can see even Jake would be a better option batting 4 at this point. ...
After that dirt ball, what did they see to run out there to pull him after 13 pitches?...

re: Survivor Season 46 thread

Posted by Cdawg on 5/24/24 at 3:11 pm
[quote] Liz is the biggest POS most disgusting person that’s ever played this game.[/quote] Bring on the down votes but this season blew. Did I watch every episode? Yes, painfully. Weak players and weak play. ...
[quote]Nothing's Shocking is nothing short of a perfect album.[/quote] Amen brotha!!!...
Master of Science in IT Management at University of Texas....
yep, they have another one planned down 281 from that one I believe. That's messed up. ...
[quote]Border of Bexar and Comal County[/quote] Can you be a little more specific? A lot of times those "low income" type of units are for police, teachers, civil servants. One development being 650units is massive. it's either two phases or part of a long term development of mix-use. ***Never...
[quote]Blown 5-run lead with Framber in G1 and can't give Brown run support today when he does his job and only allows 2. [/quote] This teams can just find ways to lose. Let's just try to remember our extra innings games on a 2-win streak and 3 out of 4 extra inning games....
[quote]The word "your" in binary is 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 The word "you're" in binary is 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100111 01110010 01100101[/quote] There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those who don't....

re: Post Funny Music Memes

Posted by Cdawg on 5/22/24 at 3:05 pm
:34 second mark... [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/PiRaSTCzglgo99KJ1A/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952pu146dl3hadk85p3og0luu5vzwl1602bejr1z2b7&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
can you give an example? Is this after a massage session? After making you a sandwich? Washing your clothes?...
[quote]We aren’t actually bringing Abreu back right?[/quote] Bagwell has gone down there and giving his eyeball test along with the talking to the hitting instructors. Don't quote me on this but it went something like this: "We won't worry about his exit velocity, power indicators, etc. We're ju...
You're really going to really love it when they hit you with a cleaning charge. ...
I upvoted only because you gave a diagram. And for that alone, I'm on your side of this....