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[quote]the courage to pull out[/quote] Pulling out isn't 100 percent effective. Condoms are better but nothing is 100 percent. ...
I really don't care. Most of their citizens would welcome him. The United States and its justice system are being laughed at throughout the world. ...
[quote]Both kills/jails people/opponents[/quote] Not to estate the obvious but one kills his political opponents. The other weaponizes the justice system. He hasn't put him in jail yet though they will likely try. ...
[quote]Even if you believe the trial was not handled properly by the judge[/quote] It was not handled properly. [quote]reality is that there was enough evidence for the prosecutor to go forward with the indictment without worry of being disbarred[/quote] They misinterpreted the law about t...
[quote]didn't have sufficient evidence to bring the case to trial, but he did anyway.[/quote] He just didn't have the right judge, or the right jury. You don't need evidence of you have the right judge or the right jury. [quote]was fired, disbarred, criminally convicted, sued by 3 members...
[quote]this is a class D felony by itself and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison. Biden is innocent until proven guilty but it sounds like Iowa AG Brenna Bird needs to get some charges going.[/quote] Is that per violation? How many people had their loans paid off? That could be thousa...
[quote]How is a state court appeals process going to get there?[/quote] Due process constitutional issues all over the place. ...
[quote]prosecutor is welcome to try anyone if they have evidence supporting the indictment.[/quote] Or you can twist the law and make it so warped no one understands and you have the judge on your side. [quote]For prosecutors, pressing charges without sufficient evidence is a career ending ac...
I wonder if the Florida AG will look into the judges daughter who lives there and find a felony to imprison her. It would be sad if that happened....
Biden is really making people realize democrats are a threat to democracy. ...
[quote]What crime do your brain worms tell you she's committed in Florida?[/quote] Are you unaware of a famous quote. Show me the person and I will show you the crime. Famous song from stalins Soviet union. It's what they did against Trump. But even that is a stretch. Basically the...
[quote]Had he paid her directly, none of this was possible.[/quote] He likely could have still been charged with an illegal campaign contribution. And then they would have still done the subvert an election bull crap. This entire thing is a streaming pile of crap. They went through ev...
[quote]For his age and history, 99.9% of people would get probation and a fine for these "crimes".[/quote] 99.9999999999999999999999 percent of the people who do what Trump did would not have been prosecuted. So there would be no fine or probation. You have no idea what the majority of pe...
[quote]He’s going to jail.[/quote] You know, I've seen people doing stupid things recently. There was a time when stupid was being done, someone would step in and stop the stupid. What we see now is kinda like Scott scheffler. The police made a massive stupid thing. Instead of immediate...
[quote]There will 100% be some states scrambling to pass a law that doesn't allow felons on the ballot.[/quote] That is unconstitutional and would be struck down unanimously by the supreme court. ...
I agree south the nope. People are afraid of the justice system now. Minorities already understood it is all crap. But now everyone else is seeing how crazy it is. I think it will shift many moderates over who have had enough of the lawfare crap. ...
[quote]think there are a lot of people like me that just said this is enough[/quote] This is what the democrats don't understand. Everyone understood that this was crap. They were giving the justice system a chance to work. Everyone is now afraid of the direction this shite is going an...
[quote]would have convinced him to plea guilty to the misdemeanor counts and call it a day.[/quote] They would never plead this case down. It was felony or bust....
Honestly I just want Bragg and marchen to be charged with felony being stupid. ...
[quote]Trump isn't a felon, because none of the counts are felonies.[/quote] Incorrect. They were upgraded because they were part of a bigger crime. Btw, it's all crap. But that it how they creatively got this ball rolling. ...