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Location:Truth or Consequences
Occupation:Fantasy Sports All Star
Number of Posts:26570
Registered on:9/15/2004
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When do the riots start? Guy just enrolled in med school. Glad the cops are alive, glad they put him down. Hate that the cops took fire. ...

re: Devin is DONE with Walk On's brah

Posted by rmc on 6/4/24 at 6:02 pm
No. You are correct - I have a connection to the local manager and will reach out. ...

re: Devin is DONE with Walk On's brah

Posted by rmc on 6/4/24 at 2:15 pm
Walk-On's has really become like just about every other restaurant once it becomes a chain. What a shame. One other thing that bothers me, and its not because of taste, is the fact that any crawfish and shrimp on the menu is labeled imported. Under Louisiana Classics - crawfish etoufee (imported), f...
Returning the shopping cart is a good test for if a person is a decent human being or not. I will admit to not having returned carts at certain points in my life....

re: Aaron Brooks

Posted by rmc on 6/1/24 at 5:38 pm
[quote]Can anyone think of another name that has been in all of the big 3 professional leagues?[/quote] No. But Avery Brooks overacted the shite out of Captain Benjamin Sisco on Star Trek DS9...

re: LSU 2 @ North Carolina 6 Final - ESPN2

Posted by rmc on 6/1/24 at 4:39 pm
Why do we even have replay? Holy shite. ...
[quote]I hope Toyota tanks until they bring back the v8[/quote] I thought the entire thing was a government mandate? I got 20 sr5 4wd v8. Love it. ...
If Eboni Rose is the judge I am going Franz Boghardt. ...

re: Just donated to Trump

Posted by rmc on 5/30/24 at 5:01 pm
[quote]And it's not tax deductible[/quote] Political contributions are generally not tax deductible....
Is he doing any scenes as Brando late in life? I want Island of Dr. Moreau Brando played by Billy Zane with authentic weight gain. [img]https://ew.com/thmb/-BCYB4PU9gO_VlNN4UXf-9Rhj7Q=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/island-of-dr-moreau_610-e7edeb2289a246f8b50601f3d3ab55...

re: China being china

Posted by rmc on 5/29/24 at 6:48 am
It’s only ok when our government funds the creation of biochemical things in China. ...

re: Six Feet Under

Posted by rmc on 5/28/24 at 9:10 am
[quote]Does it pick up or is it just this type of drama series the entire way through? Struggling to keep with it.[/quote] It's very dark. I did like the show a lot but I'm not sure I could ever actually watch it again like I do with some of my other favs like the Wire, Sopranos, BB....

re: MSB Sports Card and Memorabilia Thread

Posted by rmc on 5/27/24 at 3:02 pm
[quote]Anybody else sold a Skenes yet[/quote] Sold a Bowman’s Best Skenes Gold Lava /75 auto psa 10. I’m selling most of what I have right now save a few things. Will buy them back when the prices come back down. ...

re: MSB Sports Card and Memorabilia Thread

Posted by rmc on 5/27/24 at 3:00 pm
I would think it’s just a reproduction of that card that they got Walton to sign. Just graded the Auto also. ...
[quote]Tell me again Einstein with specificity what Joe Paterno did. I’m waiting.[/quote] [quote]In early 2001, graduate assistant coach Mike McQueary went to Paterno’s house on a Saturday morning to tell him that he had seen Sandusky fondling a young boy in the football locker room’s shower faci...
[quote]had we been able to finish the job and not tuck tail and run, it would have been a lot better. [/quote] Finishing the job was never the goal. ...

re: 5-5A Baseball coach openings

Posted by rmc on 5/26/24 at 6:36 pm
lol. Guy doesn’t stay anywhere very long. What is this? 7th school in 9 years?...
[quote]Post 911, our boys went to those shite holes and kicked some arse. The US and our interests around the world have been safer since, because of their sacrifices. It wasn’t for nothing and anyone that can’t appreciate the job they did to make us safer today can go frick themselves.[/quote] You ...

re: 5-5A Baseball coach openings

Posted by rmc on 5/26/24 at 3:44 pm
Good for Central. They can lock up 2nd place in district like they’ve locked up 3rd in football. ...