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Registered on:11/24/2008
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[quote]Time for some other governors to follow suite.[/quote] Exactly. Jeff Landry is on the clock. Orleans Parish prosecutor should be cleaning out his desk as we speak. ...
That would require Johnson to have a spine which he has clearly proven he doesn't have. ...
[quote]Marco Rubio is a complete frick up as a senator and he is as bought and paid for as one can be![/quote] By whom?...

re: Monroe vs Alexandria

Posted by samson73103 on 6/5/24 at 8:08 pm
[quote]Monroe has too much crushing Baptist influence to ever feel like a college town[/quote] Ruston has always had much stricter alcohol regs than Monroe so it must have an even stronger Baptist influence. ...
[quote]Wonder if you could have just offered her $50-$75k in the beginning.[/quote] No, she was determined, in her own words, to "leave me with nothing but the clothes on my back". What was my crime? Trying to throttle her out of control spending which would have eventually bankrupted me. My puni...
[quote]Because they were good, honorable men during a time when women performed an important role in the home. They weren’t worried about getting divorced. They were legislating against deadbeats who were leaving helpless mothers stranded without resources to raise their kids.[/quote] You're prob...
Men, as a rule, get bent over in a divorce proceeding. In other news, water is wet. ETA....I've always found it curious that these draconian divorce laws that punish men so harshly have been on the books for years. Back when the legislature was 100% men. I will forever wonder why MEN wrote the...

re: Do y’all like Gutfeld?

Posted by samson73103 on 6/5/24 at 7:41 am
[quote]Kat Timpf[/quote] There is something about her that I find incredibly sexy. While she's pretty, I would not call her centerfold material but she definitely gets the blood flowing to my nether regions. ...

re: Monroe vs Alexandria

Posted by samson73103 on 6/5/24 at 7:35 am
[quote]The Holidome[/quote] Bobbisox had a lot of older women whose sole purpose in being out on the wknd was to score some younger cock. As bad as Monroe sucks, it is light years better than Alexandria. The only thing Alec has going for it is the Bentley and the fact you are within 2.5 hrs of ...
[quote]Getting off the interstate allowed us to see the best parts of America . Its in pretty good shape[/quote] I disagree America is in good shape. I would argue its at it lowest point with the skyrocketing cost of life's necessities that have so many people living paycheck to paycheck and it bec...
Trial run for when the shite hits the fan over 2024 Election. ...
[quote]That is one dysfunctional, effed up family.[/quote] The Bidens are the trailer park version of the Kennedys. ...

re: For the OT lawyers....

Posted by samson73103 on 6/3/24 at 10:21 pm
[quote]Trump may be immune on these crimes that occurred, at least partially, while he was President.[/quote] I don't think Trump is guilty of any crime he was charged with. I have a basic knowledge of how the justice system works and there are myriad reasons why DJT will win on appeal at some poin...

re: For the OT lawyers....

Posted by samson73103 on 6/3/24 at 9:37 pm
So basically a lot of bureaucratic bullshite has a lot to do with it. I didn't think about a lower court having the ability to delay. It should not be stayed purely for political reasons, which is the only reason it would be. More proof we have trashed the Constitution in this day and age. [quo...

For the OT lawyers....

Posted by samson73103 on 6/3/24 at 9:16 pm
Why can't Trump's appeal be fast tracked? The 2024 Election is more important than anything that is already on any appellate docket. The justice system is notorious for delaying shite all the time. Both attorneys and judges. It would seem prudent to put everything else on hold and let this case take...
[quote]one never knows when the democrats will hate you.[/quote] That's easy. They hate anyone who doesn't want to depend on the government to take care of them from the cradle to the grave. They most especially hate those who own private property and value their 2A rights. ...
[quote]Honestly, you're over thinking it. They're after him.[/quote] Are you really so fricking stupid that you don't see our freedoms are slowly being taken away by a bunch of people who want to control every aspect of our lives?...
I like MTG and her straight forward, take no prisoners approach. It's a breath of fresh air from the limp wristed simpletons that seem to dominate the GOP. We need more people in Congress like her. ...